Look Out!

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The next morning, Carl and I made our way back to Michonne and Rick. Carl had to take care of a few Walkers that had congregated outside, but other than that it looked safe.

When we reached the middle of the road, we saw a man standing at the top of a small hill above us. He had a gun pointed at us with a crazy look in his eyes.

"The world belongs to the dead now," he muttered. "Let's just give it to 'em."

Before the man could aim correctly, I whipped out my gun and shot him in the leg. He fell and started rolling down the hill. I called for Carl to start running, but he wasn't following me. I looked back at a horrific sight.

Blood and charred skin took the place of where Carl's eye was supposed to be. He looked up at me and uttered one word before falling unconscious.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2017 ⏰

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