Walks and Walkers

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We told Rick and Michonne that we were going out to look for more supplies and things. I could tell that they felt victorious. They felt that their plan worked.

I followed Carl through the streets of the neighborhood until wr reached the house of his approval. He used the knob this time, unlike before when he rammed into it.

We'd never searched this house, so it was all very new to me. At least, I'd never searched the house. Carl seemed to know everything about it.

He led me up the stairs to the master bedroom. It was beautiful. Everything was white. Untouched. Perfect.

I marvelled at the beauty of the room as I took my shoes off by the door. Carl did the same.

"I found this place, like, a week ago. There's a well in the back and a generator." Carl said, plopping down on the bed.

"And you didn't tell anyone? This is way better than what we're staying in now." I said, sitting by Carl.

"Yeah. That's why this is a secret. A getaway. There's hot water, electricity, books, food. Everything. I sneak out at night and come here. It's great."

"I bet." I whispered, laying back.

"Now," he started, laying beside me. "We can come here together." He grabbed my hand and looked over at me.

I jumped up. "You get food and a movie. I'm taking a shower." I said, walking to the bathroom.

I heard him laugh and then I heard the TV click. I turned on the hot water and it felt like heaven.

I got out and noticed that my clothes were gone and replaced with clean clothes.

I didn't even hear him come in... Oh well.

I pulled on the clothes and they fit me, surprisingly, well. I walked out of the bathroom to see Carl passed out on the bed with the remote in his hand and a bag of chips beside him.

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