Chapter 1

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Present Day - Aurora City

Malandra heard a loud ripping sound and a thunderous clap, then she was falling through space. Her body hit the pavement with a hard thud. Loud piercing sounds tore through the air all around her. The sound of squealing, crunching metal filled her ears. It was cold. Shockingly cold. Darkness was everywhere. Her limbs were heavy, her body ached in ways she never thought possible. Every cut and bruise she had was on fire. She felt nauseous. She lifted her head in time to see an object hurtling toward her, it swerved away screeching, then skidded to a halt with a loud bang when it collided with some kind of grey stone barrier. Another object smashed into the back of it.

The sound of shattering glass filled her ears and light thunder rumbled above. Wetness fell on her, it was raining. Another object sped around her, horn blaring. She clutched her ears. Her skin and clothing were wet, the cold air sent a chill through her. Her shoulder length hair stuck to her face. The smell of wet cement, a mix of water and oil, filled her nostrils.

The sights around her were confusing. To her left was a forest like area that must have been Eos' central park, to her right was the paved grey road on which strange objects sped along. Cars, she remembered the word, they were cars. People were shouting all around her. Adrenaline pumped through her veins.

She ran her hands over her body frantically. Her bag was, thankfully, still strapped on. She held onto it, trying to ground herself in the here and now. Then something grabbed her from behind, hands. She was lifted and pulled upward.

"Beautiful women falling from the sky. This is already interesting," a voice that was too near her said.

She was in someone's arms, strong sturdy arms. She pushed her hair out of her eyes and found herself looking into the face of a man. An actual man...and he was smiling at her. His long black hair was pulled back from his face so that it was smooth along his head. His eyes were dark and beautiful. He was young, and...handsome. The word popped into her mind as if planted there. Warmth crept up her neck and she was suddenly uncomfortable. She pushed against his chest and tried to free herself from his hold.

"Put me down," she said.

He smirked and let her wriggle out of his arms until she was on her feet and standing before him. He was tall. She had to look up to meet his eyes. He wore black leather gloves, a dark grey coat that stopped just above his knees, and shiny black shoes.

"Is this Eos?" she asked tentatively.

"Eos?" he said with a raised eyebrow. "We call it Aurora."

"Yes, Aurora," she said.

"...and you are?" he said leading.

"Malandra," she answered him, feeling shaky. Her body still ached, and her legs felt as though they wanted to collapse beneath her. At least the ringing in her ears had subsided substantially.

"I'm Peter," he said.

"That's quite an entrance you made," he said looking out over the wreckage in the road. Several more cars had smashed into each other, some were overturned.

"People always go too fast on this street," he said. "Makes it difficult to stop quickly if you need to, and in this rain." His voice sounded disapproving. He turned his attention back to her.

"You were supposed to be waiting for us in the park," he said gesturing at the giant trees that stood behind him. "It's good thing we were a little early. You might have ended up road kill."

Peter looked at something behind her. She turned her head, there was another man there, he was shorter in stature. His hair was a light ash brown in color. He stood quietly surveying the wreckage with such intensity it was as though he were memorizing it.

"Miss are you alright?" he asked, turning his intense gaze on her in one abrupt motion.

She wasn't sure. She stared at him deciding.

"Can you hear me miss? Sir? Twenty percent of her body is covered with wounds, she has contusions on her head. We should take her to a doctor."

"I didn't see a car hit her," Peter said sounding unconcerned. "I think she's just scratched up from hitting the pavement so hard."

"Still sir, we should-"

"We have to help them," she said look back at the cars. Dazed people were emerging from the vehicles.

"I knew it. I knew they existed. Aliens. She fell from the sky. Did anyone else see that?"

A man had climbed out of the wreckage. His eyes were wild. He looked exhilarated. He was standing in the middle of the road pointing at them.

"We should be going sir. Help is on the way for these people, emergency services will be here in seconds," the man with ash brown hair said.

"Very well Mace," Peter said and started toward the parked car.

"Miss," Mace said and offered his arm as support. She stared at it.

"What's wrong?" Peter said stopping.

"Are you" she said struggling to remember the word she'd heard Genevieve speak.

"So to speak, I run Nightshade Consultations."

"You are...a man."

"Last time I checked," he said looking amused.

She nodded, still feeling disoriented. Her hand gripped the man's arm, Mace's arm, tighter than she had intended. She allowed herself to be led to the car. Her legs were shaky and unsteady. She took slow steps. Sharp pains shot through her shins. She inhaled quickly and shivered. Peter reached the car before them and was waiting patiently by the open car door. Thunder still rumbled overhead and lightening whipped through the sky cracking at intervals. Peter held the door open and indicated that she should enter the car first.

"Watch your head," he said, as she was gently helped into the car by her silent companion. She sat on the soft leather seat and clutched her bag.

"Thank you Mace," Peter said.

"Sir," Mace replied.

Peter got in after Malandra and sat in the seat across from her. Mace closed the door behind them, went around to the other side of the car. He seated himself in the front. A few moments later the car started with a lurch.

Find the book. Save Nitara. The words floated through her mind. Malandra looked out through the dark tinted car windows at the looming city around her. She pressed her hand to her forehead. How had she ended up here?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2016 ⏰

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