First time

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Flashback ,five months ago
'I don't wanna go" I cried to my brother Marc bartra "it's fine we will see each other soon I promise"he replied his voice wasn't stable "here" he said spinning me around and I felt something on my neck . I moved my hand tracing it and turned around "what is this ?"I said smiling tears were flooding my eyes . "Tudo passas I want you to remember that "he said hugging me one last time .he has just given me a necklace with the words Tudo passas which means everything passes.
"Jasmine hurry up" my mum said as she got all of our bags in the car "mum could you please  give it another chance ?you could still work things out with my dad ?"I said trying to convince her ,she sighed "i am sorry honey we've already filed the divorce and I have custody over you and your dad has custody over Marc " my tears flooded "but sweetheart that doesn't mean you won't be seeing them you will" she said hugging me tightly " so goodbye to Marc and your father" she said  and I walked over to my dad "I don't wanna go 'sobbed in his chest 'you will be okay honey ' he said kissing my temple , we said goodbye to both of Marc and my father ,well I did at least my mum wasn't even acknowledging that my father was there.


Being back in Brazil was something I definitely did not want I mean Barcelona was my home , it was also really hard for me to fit in .
I was sat under a tree at lunchtime on the phone with my brother he was just telling me about how he now plays for Barcelona institution which means in a year or two he would hopefully play for the official team ,its such a great news my brother has always dreamed of playing for them .
"Jassssss babeee!!"I heared someone say yelling towards me ,i knew who it was since I only speak to a few people
'I have to go I'll call you later ,love you' 'okay no problem and love you too' with that I hang up and I lifted my head to see Rafaela running towards me , she ran to me clapping her hands there was a couple of girls with her who were smiling from ear to ear as well  'we are having a sleepover at my house on Saturday '  'and?' I said I really wasn't interested and she knew I wouldn't be interested , I don't interact with a lot of people the only person I am actually friends with is Rafaela herself that's it . 'Your coming right??'she said excitedly  and I just shook my head and gave her a sympathetic look 'pleasssssssssse' she pouted 'okay fine but I am not doing any of your girl stuff'' I laughed 'Yayyyy !!! See you there , I'll text you later ' and with that she walked off.
I was alone again I mean that's what I hated her after I left Barcelona I found myself isolated and it's really hard for me to make friends especially at the age of 16 so I just decided to pull out a book and revise I wanna get good grades , go to university and become a lawyer that's been my dream ever since I was a child .

Skip to Saturday

'Bye mum' I said shutting my mums car door after me 'have fun honey ' 'I'll try 'I said waving .
'I walked to rafaellas house and knocked on the door  and a guy that I've never seen in my life opened the door he was eating a carrot and dressed in a football kit  he must be her brother Coz I can totally see the resemblance  'err is this rafaellas house?' I asked awkwardly ,'yeah come in '  'thank you I replied '.
I walked in the boy went into the kitchen  and he came back with a bowl full of vegetables ,wtf is wrong with this guy how can he like vegetables ?
'Want some ?' He offered me as he sat next to me In the sofa'no thank you I dont eat vegetables ' I simply said , 'your kidding me right ?'I shook my head 'how can you not like vegetables ' he said surprised and I just shrugged my shoulder, 'where is Rafaela ?' I asked him ' she went to the bakery to grab some cupcakes for the sleepover ' girls 'he snorted and I just laughed ' I know right ' I said 'your a girl too' he said chuckling ' yeah but I am different ' I said confidently ' really how ?' He said amused taking a bite of his carrot ' well I am into different things than Rafaela and her friends '  i said 'like what ? And wait aren't they your friends too?' He said seemingly interested .
'I love football ,I used to play it with my brother but I stopped since I moved here '  I continued ' also they are soooooo annoying ' I said laughing and he joined me laughing ' yeah I find them annoying too' he said 'why did you stop playing football?' He said
'I used to play it with my brother  and it was fun but I have no one to play with here with so it gets boring after a while on your own ' I said 'why don't you join a girls football club or something?' He said ' there isn't one in our area' I said giving him a quick smile.

There was a loud knocking on the door 'Coming!' The guy said walking to the door ,as he opened the door rafaellas friends were all at the door they were like 6 annoying loud girls .they all ran to the guy and hugged him one of them squealed 'neymarrrr' and she hugged him for long until he removed her ,the girl was smiling she must like him or something but he just looked uncomfortable .
'Um girls meet errr sorry what's your name ?' He said looking at me smiling ' it's jasmine ,Neymar ' I said smiling at him and he smiled back the other girls must have noticed because ,the girl that likes Neymar was all over him again and the others were giving me deathly looks.

The door bell rang again and Neymar took the chance to get the girl off him and ran to the door to find Rafaela with a box of cupcakes 'thank god your here!!'  ' ooh can I have a cupcake' he said staring at the box ' no get off' she said to him and he just rolled his eyes and ran to the stairs but he stopped ' it was nice meeting you jasmine ' he smiled 'you too' I said smiling back .i looked at Rafaela who had a smirk on her face . 'What?'I asked her ' nothing ' she said smiling.

5 hours later
It was 11pm and I was so bored because all the girls were doing was just bitch about others at school and Rafaela looked uninterested too. 'Err I am just going to get some water ' I said getting up and  one of the girls muttered 'whatever 'I walked to the kitchen , the kitchen had a glass door so you can basically see the garden and I can see Neymar playing football , I decided to join him ' hey' I said to him 'hey ' 'what are you doing out here ?'he asked 'I got bored ' I said and he just nodded 'can I join you ?' I asked hoping he'd say yeah 'yeah of course '.
We were playing one to one , I am sure he was a head of me but we didn't keep counting so I don't even know , for once I was actually having fun in Brazil we were laughing and making jokes and everything .

Rafaela PoV
'Why isn't jasmine  back yet' I asked the girls ' ughh she is annoying !' One of them said 'yeah ' and'I know right ' were filling the room .
'Seriously guys she is actually pretty cool if you give her a chance ' I said defending her .
We heared laughter so from our backyard 'who is that ?' Layla my friend who has a crush on my brother said 'I don't know ' I said heading to the window to check who it is .
It was Neymar and jasmine playing football outside they were smiling and look so happy how cute .
'Awww look how cute!!'I said , 'she is ugly ' Layla said and I just rolled my eyes Coz there is no point of arguing with her  although jasmine was gorgeous .

I am sure I won against jasmine but I have to admit she was pretty good 'where did you learn to play like that?' I said walking to the pavement go sit next to her ' my older brother taught me ' she said smiling , I noticed that she smiles every time she talks about her brother 'he must be really good ' I said taking a sip of my water bottle  ' yeah he is , he actually just started to playing for the Barcelona institution so yeah ..' 'Were really proud of him ' she said smiling wider . I spit my water out 'HE IS IN THE BARCELONA INSTITUTION ??' I said surprised ' yeah ' she replied giggling .
Anywho we continued talking and she talked to me about her parents divorce how she hasn't seen her brother or dad in almost six month and how she wants to become a lawyer , I also told her about my dream to also play for Barcelona one day but it's really hard to get noticed and about how I would love to help my country win the World Cup one day.

' why don't you come play with our team ?' He asked me ' wait are you serious!?!'I asked surprised ' yeah your really good and better than most of the guys there anyways ' he said smiling 'thank you ' I squealed and hugged him ' just to warn you not all the guys will like the ideas of having a girl in our team but they I'll get around once they get to know you  said .

This is how both me and Neymar met today two years later me and him are best friends we've been together through thick and thin we've grown up in so many ways , he is the only person I can talk to about anything , Rafaela and I are really close as well but I am closer to Neymar we motivate each other we help each other through all struggles and through breakups and everything .

I was at Neymar's apartment he is now 19 so he owns his own apartment which isn't too far from his parents .
I had my legs on his lap as we were watching mean girls , he was on his phone probably texting a new girl 😒I was looking at him and I couldn't deny how beautiful his features are I mean I liked Neymar , my feelings to Neymar have always been confused but now I feel like I like him and in a friends way . I hated this feeling Coz we were best friends and If anything happens it will ruin it .
'Why are you staring at me ?' He said chuckling ' creepy ' he muttered ' shut up I said hitting his shoulder with my foot playfully and he just laughed .

One Last TimeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang