Chapter 8 (Tagged Again)

Start from the beginning

               After they entered the building and, after a lot of negotiation, got the special key card from the guy behind the desk, they were ready to enter Olympus. They accomplished the long elevator ride all the way up to the secret 600th floor while listening to excruciating elevator music. By the end of the ride, Leo literally thought that his head would explode, but finally it was over.

               Olympus never ceased to amaze Leo. The towering archways, the flawless architecture, it was all so amazing, but the main attraction, of course, was the main throne room of the gods, where they were heading now. Chiron led Leo and Calypso up winding staircases, through alleyways, and across bridges that were suspended right over the bustling streets of Manhattan below.

               The huge celestial bronze doors of the throne room were wide open, allowing access for many nymphs and minor gods who wanted to attend the council. Leo, Calypso, and Chiron stepped over the threshold and into the room, where they noticed that the Olympians were already deep in discussion.

               "--when he arrives? Should we kill him?" Zeus was saying. Leo certainly hoped that they weren't talking about him.

               Zeus turned to speak to another Olympian, but his gaze crossed over Leo and he stopped there instead. "Ah, Leo. We were just talking about you! And I see that you have brought Lady Calypso and Chiron with you!"

               "Lord Zeus." Leo acknowledged the master of the house and bowed. He could sense that Chiron and Calypso were also bowing besides him.

                After a quick second Leo rose again and looked over at Hephaestus, who was looking down on him with fiery pride gleaming in his eyes. "Hey dad."

               "Hello son! I see you got my message!"

               "Umm... Weren't you kinda there? Didn't you hear me talking back to you in that dream?" Leo was confused by his father sometimes.

               "Of course!" Hephaestus was grinning at Leo, exposing all of his teeth.

               Leo turned away from his father and back to Zeus. "So, umm... Why exactly did you invite me to this council?"

               Zeus responded with a frown. "Ugh. I hate this part. It was bad enough that we had to do it to that Percy kid a few years back." Zeus seemed to be addressing no one in particular.

               Poseidon, who was sitting next to Zeus, responded testily. "Hey, that's my son your talking about."

               "Yes, of course. Sorry about that, brother." Zeus gave Poseidon a smile that told him that he wasn't really that sorry. Then Zeus turned back to Leo. "For your bravery during this last war against Gaea, we have decided to grant you one wish."

               So Chiron was right. It was about the war with Gaea. And he got to have a wish! From the gods of all people! They could do almost anything, but could they fix Leo's problem with Calypso's immortality? Could they make her mortal? Or would she even want that? Too many questions!

               Zeus continued. "Of course, you will probably ask for the same thing all of those other intelligent heroes requested."

               Poseidon interrupted again. "Wait! Are you saying that my son is not intelligent!?

               "Of course not! I was just merrily proposing that all of those other heroes were smart! Now please stop interrupting me!"

               Poseidon looked like he was about to unleash another snappy comeback, but Leo interrupted first. "What did all of those other heroes ask for?"

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