Chapter 7 (I Got Tagged)

Start from the beginning

               "Oh, I see. Smart."

               Half an hour passed by quickly. Leo began to hear shouts coming from the direction of the other team. He hoped Annabeth's plan would work. Suddenly Leo spotted Percy over by a tree in the distance, running swiftly towards them.

               "Jason, quickly! Lightning!" Jason responded with a blast that shook the ground. The lightning rod shone with energy and began to glow but the sheer power of Jason's lightning was too much for it. It exploded, sending glowing shards of metal everywhere. "Jason, that was a bit too much."


               The only good thing about the explosion was that Percy had been blown of his feet and was now too weak to get back up.

               Just then Leo heard the sound of trampling feet behind him. He turned around. There was no one. Hmm... I could have sworn! Leo then saw a girl shimmer into existence. It was Calypso, and she was holding the flag!

               "Jason quickly!" Leo yelled at his best friend. "Calypso's invisible and she has the flag!" Leo knew Jason would be able to catch her faster because he could fly.

               "What do you mean, Leo? The flag's right here!" Jason pointed at the top of Zeus's Fist, where the flag was waving in the wind.

               I must be hallucinating! But it looked so real! Leo argued with himself, but before he could try and figure out what just happened, the answer came. Chiron galloped into the clearing.

               "The game is won! Calypso's team is victorious!"

               How? Leo turned around and glanced at the flag once more, but then it dissipated into green smoke before his very eyes. Leo couldn't believe it!

               Chiron answered his unspoken question. "It seems that Calypso's magic was too much for your defensive strategy." He laughed.

               "So it was Calypso! I knew I wasn't seeing things!" Leo thought out loud as the three of them walked back to camp, dragging a still paralyzed Percy along behind them.

               Later that night, after curfew, Leo and Calypso were just about to leave to their separate rooms in Bunker 9 when Leo stopped Calypso right in front of her door.

               "Hey. I have to tell you something."

               Calypso smiled. "Is it more nonsense about how you think we cheated in that game?"

               "No. This is serious."

               Leo's face must have looked deadly serious because Calypso lowered her smile. "What is it, Leo?"

               "Well, I was talking to Dionysus while we were in the Big House earlier and he said that," Leo's voice cracked, "that you actually are immortal. I don't think our relationship will work under those circumstances."

               Calypso put on a sad smile. "Leo, we'll make it work. Just you see. I will always love you."

               And with that Calypso gave Leo a quick kiss and walked into her room, closing the door behind her.


A/N: Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter!

So, I got tagged by xAllamax and decided to put in in the author's note for this chapter for lack of another place to put it. Without further ado, let's get started!

13 Questions and Answers

I get asked 13 questions, I ask 13 questions, and then I ask 13 people to answer them.

What is your favorite dance move?

Well, I don't dance much so this is a hard one, although the chicken dance is fun! 😜

What is your least favorite shop?

I don't really go shopping much...

How many eggs do you have when eating bacon and eggs for breakfast?

Two usually.

Why are private schools so strict?

I've been asking myself this one for years.

Who is the best ship/s?


How many fingers am I holding up?


How many toes do you have?

Average amount.

What is your favorite quote?

"I try not to think. It interferes with being nuts." - Leo Valdez

What is the first thing you do when a murderer is about to kill you?

If this scenario happens sometime in my life, I'll tell you.

What is the cheesiest movie ever?

I honestly don't know.

How much cheese do you like on pizza?

Enough to fill me up.

How much questions is that?


This is the 13th, right?


Glad to get that over with.

Now for my questions:

What's your favorite food? 

Favorite color? 

Favorite Episode of Star Wars? 

Team Peeta or Team Gale? 

Favorite one of the seven Demigods? 

When was the last time milk came out your nose? 

Do you support LGBTQ+ rights? 

Do you like Donald Trump? 

Hot chocolate or chocolate milk? 

Bikes or Scooters? 

What is the most amount of consecutive jumps that you have ever done on a pogo stick? 

Pencils or pens? 

Do you enjoy being tagged?

I tag:











That is pretty much all of my friends on this site. Sorry it's only 10.

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