dating neville longbottom would include

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★ looking out for each other

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★ looking out for each other

★ playing with his hands

★ him actually being a real gentleman and doing things such as giving you his coat when it's cold, pulling out a seat for you and holding a door open for you

★ neville getting embarrassed and flustered when people ask him how he managed to snag 'someone like you'

★ you telling him you're the lucky one to be able to have a guy like him

★ him getting clumsy when you make him nervous

★ smiling when you notice him getting more and more comfortable with your relationship and opening up to you

★ being all around just close friends

★ meeting his gran and her absolutely adoring you

★ neville smiling proudly when he tells you that his gran said that his parents would love you and be so proud that he found someone so lovely

★ him being nervous and hesitant about a lot of things but one thing that he doesn't hesitate to flip out on is when people say bad things about you - people have learned not to dare say a bad thing about you around him

★ the two of you laughing at the smallest things whenever you're around one another

★ neville telling you about all his favourite plants and how the pretty ones remind him of you

★ him getting the 'pretty' plants that he was talking about for you as a gift

★ constantly taking care of trevor with him and you two raising trevor as your child

★ lots of hugs 

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