Chapter 32: Never Kiss And Tell

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Harvey's POV

         Back to work. I had such a great time with Carol, we basically just toured all around the town. At times we were noticed hand in hand by fans of the show. We even had Tim come visit us one day. We mostly relaxed the rest of the time. Going to the spa. Carol talked me into that one. Our last night we had a formal dinner outside with string lights above us along with the beautiful night sky. That was heaven. And no you're probably thinking, "Harvey, you 'ol dog did you, you know..?" No we didn't but that wasn't my main focus. 

   Now we were back in the studio and Carol seemed more at ease. The only tension was between her and Joe. She's been going home with him so I guess it isn't that bad. 

    We were rehearsing on a current sketch when Lyle came up to me, "So I heard you and Carol went on a little vacation there," he winked. 

"How did you know?"

"The newspaper." 

"Crap, that's in there?"


"Did Joe see it?"

"I don't know, but did you guys do anything I should know about?" Lyle smirked. 

"Haha very funny," I smiled sarcastically. 

"Okay, okay, but if you need help hiding anything from the big bad bear, let me know," 

I laughed, and patted his back. "Thank you, oh my goodness."

Joe's POV

    I saw Harvey and Lyle standing there laughing when I thought I'd take interest into what they were talking about. I walked up to them. "Hey, fellas what's so funny?" "Oh, just talking about something that happened at a party Lyle went's nothing." Harvey said. "Oh, alright," I looked back and forth between the both of them, then I walked away. Why is it that none of our wants to talk to me? I bet it was Carol. She caused the rift so she's helping cause the rift between me and my production. I am thoroughly frustrated and I refuse to apologize .


Ugh This chapter I'm so mad, because it was a bit longer but as I was trying to publish it my wifi went out so then when it came on.. it didn't save, and I forgot a chunk of what I wrote because I decided to wing it -_- Anyway I'll try to make the next chapter juicy. And please bear with me for taking so long to update, I'm so busy with work and filming for my college portfolio. 

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