The Vows w/ Kendall Schmidt [Romantic] (For Vanessa)

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A/N: Wey Hey Vanessa, hope you like this one too, thanks for requesting again.

Anyway, on with the imagine ;)

~ KatelynXX


Today is finally the day. Today, today is my wedding day.

I've waited my entire life for this special moment. And today, I was finally spending it with the man of my dreams. I'm nervous. Nervous that something will go wrong, or something will be ruined. But my dad is right there next to me, waiting to walk me down the aisle, where he is waiting for me.


Eventually, my father and I made it to the end of the aisle where Kendall is waiting.

And my father kisses my cheek and sits down where my mother is sitting, with a small smile on her features.

-Skip first part of the ceremony-

"Now for the vows. Kendall." Says the priest and Kendall began his vows.

"Vanessa, I have always loved you, ever since we first met. At that concert, there was this girl in the front row that I thought looked gorgeous in her t-shirt with a picture of me on the front," he chuckles. "But I never thought I would get to meet such a fun person like you, and that makes me happy. Hell, I'm so selfish, yet you love me for who I am, not just that popstar that you thought looked and sung really good. Heck, I'm bragging right now, but Vanessa, you cause me to go crazy whenever I see you. I always feel butterflies when we kiss and now we're getting married. I don't know if I can take it if you just got up and left because I would just die without you. I am nothing without you. Even if I'm a popstar, you never treated me like one," he paused. "You treated me like a normal person, and I loved that. Vanessa, I love you more than I have ever loved anyone in my life." He ends with teary eyes.

The priest turns to me. "Vanessa."

I take a deep breath and begin. "Kendall, I know we've had our fair share of fights and arguments, but we always came back to each other," I pause. "We keep each other grounded, like if one of us has a crazy idea or something, the other would tell them that it's either stupid or impossible," I laugh softly. "But that's what I love about our relationship. We can be carefree and make fun of each other, but we'd never take it to heart because we'd know the other hadn't really meant what they said. And that makes me happy that we can be silly around each other. I love more than words and actions can describe Kedall. I love you forever and always," I end with a huge smile on my face.

We do the rings and the preist turns to Kendall again.

"Now, Kendall Francis Schmidt, do you take Vanessa Ann McKnight to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do," Kendall answers with his eyes sparkling.

"Okay, Vanessa Ann McKnight, do you take Kendall Francis Schmidt to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do," I say. I'm pretty sure I'm mirroring Kendall's expression..

"You may now kiss the bride." the preist tells Kendall and Kendall grabs my hips and dips me backwards. I gasp in shock and wrap my arms around his neck.

"I love you, Mrs. Schmidt," he whispers.

"I love you even more, Mr. Schmidt," I whisper back before before he leans down and kisses me.

Everyone claps and we pull away as Kendall picks me up bridal style and carries me out of the church.

Everything is perfect. The man of my dreams, the wedding and most of all my life. I don't think I could be more happy than I am now.


Hehe, what do you think Vanessa?

I love the fluffiness

It's just so cute I sware.

Okay bye.

Gotta go update my other books,

Love KatelynXX

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