Never looking back (part 1 of 5)

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Hanna woke up on the plane, she looked around for her family but they were nowhere in sight, she tried to speak but nothing came. She coughed until her sleeve, after many failed attempts she managed say "Mom, Dad, Grandma?" Hannah searched the plane but she couldn't see any trace of her family except for the toaster which lay on the ground below her grandmothers seat,  

She noticed a small scrap of paper in the toaster, Hanna reach in the toaster and pulled it out. She read aloud forgetting that she might not be alone. "Dear Hanna, Hope this finds you well...."

Hanna rolled her eyes, "Sure I'm fine, nothing much going on. Everything is VERY boring, Thank you very much!!!" Hanna continued reading. "Underneath the toaster is a Journal. When you write in it I will receive your message and I will respond as soon as possible. Now, stuff the journal in your jacket and brace yourself." Hanna did as her Grandmother said, she put the journal in her jacket and prepared for the worst. And a few seconds later the worst came knocking at her door.

Hanna felt something sharp against her throat. A voice as cold as ice and as hard as stone laughed. "Well, well, well. Look what we have here.

The man held a knife to her throat. The blade pierced her skin, and blood trickled down her neck. But Hanna paid no attention to the pain, she was to busy looking out the window as clouds whizzed by, In a matter of minutes the plane would crash.

Sorry for the short chapter. I'll write more later. Byeeeeee!
P.S. please follow me on Instagram @EpicDelia2003

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