A $5 house (PART ONE OF TWO)

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Hanna packed her bags still confused on what was going on, she walked down stairs. Her mother was sitting on the couch staring out the window. She was mumbling somethings, But Hanna couldn't quite hear it.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"5:32 pm, Agent Strudwick reporting, The minivan appears to have no explosives but We will go to the airport ASAP." 

Hanna's grandmother was typing it up on a computer. "I hear ya Janet, You don't have to yell."

"I'm NOT yelling, Your hearing aid has a virus again."

"Hogwash! I installed an anti virus app on it, to prevent new viruses from Facebook!"

Hanna laughed "Wait! This is getting WAY to far fetched! What's going on? Wait I know! Tommy Harrison dared you to! I thought he was done with pranking me. Ha ha guess not!"

Hanna's mother sighed, "Hanna, I KNOW this is far fetched, but it's time you learned about.... um.... The family business...."

"Dad's in the mob?!?"

"No! Of course not! You see...... Your great, great, great, great, great grandfather started a company. It was called the WWSC,"

"He started the WWSC radio station?!? EPIC!!!"

Hanna's mother was getting annoyed. "No! The World Wide Spy Corporation, WWSC for short. Over the years the company grew, and the ownership was past down to your grandmother and then to me. After this ordeal is settled we'll train you, and you can become the first 14 year old spy! How does that sound?"

Hanna's eyes filled with tears, "Horrible! I don't want to be a SPY! I want to be NORMAL! Have you seen my PE grades? I suck at sports! Remember when I tried karate??? I still can't get the blood out of my "On Wednesdays we wear pink" shirt!"

Hanna's mother sighed, "If you really don't want to help then that's fine, But we need to hide! How much should we ask for the house?"


----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------And that's the end of chapter 2 (part 1)

I'll write more tomorrow.


Delia Away! (Crash) I'm okay!!!

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