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Hey guys! I'm working on the next part, but I wanted to finally upload sketches of Erick and give him the description he deserves. So, the picture attached to this update is his sketches. Keep in mind I started these FOREVER ago and kinda forgot about them, so they aren't very good. Anyway, The first is obviously when he's a child. At that point he seems like any ordinary beaming child, his hair a light brown like his mother's, and his eyes a bit bluer than his parents. The second is during his teen years (14-16 ish). His hair is shaggier, and the tips have started to turn black. One of his eyes have started darkening, transitioning into what will be a bright red by adulthood. His tunic is a dark blue, with the markings being black. At the bottom is a design with a wolf howling, which is honoring his father. Then, the last is as an adult (20-23). His hair is worn in a ponytail, and the ends of his hair have turned a deep black. One eye is completely red while the other remains blue. The design of the wolf is still present on the metal latch of his cape, and he has armor covering one shoulder, which the design is based off of his mother's armor. The design at the bottom of his cape is also based off Zelda's banner. (There's also a hood on the cloak I forgot to draw lol). His bow is the same one his father got him, but he's finally fully grown into it. He has two studs on one ear, and both of them are blackened at the end.

If you have any further questions, feel free to comment!

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