Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

Snuggling closer to the warmth beside me, I smiled to myself and sighed, trying to remember why I felt so content. Memories came swirling back to me suddenly and my eyes popped open, finding myself securely held in Micah's arms. I loved seeing them wrapped around me in such a loving manner. He had obviously gotten up at some point in the night and shed his shirt—his chest now bare against my sweater.

Lifting my head slightly, I stared at the fireplace. The fire looked to be burned down to a few mere coals, but the quilts of the bed and Micah's radiating heat were keeping us both amply warm. Bright light filled the room, suggesting the storm had finally stopped. I wondered if anyone was looking for us yet this morning.

Last night had been wonderful. After dinner we'd cleaned everything up and then sat cuddled on the couch. Watching the fire, we shared our favorite Christmas memories and dreams for the future, until Micah swept me off my feet and carried me to the bedroom. Sitting up, under the blankets, I watched as he built a fire in fireplace and then slipped in beside me.

My lips and face still seemed to tingle with the kisses that had followed, his evening stubble lightly abrading my soft skin; but I didn't mind. I adored the feel of it. However, even with the building passion between us, we succumbed to sleep, the day's wear and tear on our bodies eventually overtaking us.

"Merry Christmas, beautiful." Micah softly spoke, as he nuzzled a kiss into my hair. "I never thought I'd wake up in bed with an angel, today."

I giggled like a silly schoolgirl over his compliment. "And I never thought I'd be cuddled up with my own superhero."

He chuckled, his eyes drifting over my face. "I'm no superhero."

"You are to me; and that's all that matters."

"If you say so." He smiled and placed a light kiss against my lips. "My muscles do feel like they were involved in a battle to save the planet, though. Does that count?"

"It totally counts," I replied, hating that he was in so much discomfort.

"How are you feeling?" he asked.

"Sore. Although I'm sure not nearly as bad as you are. It will get better once we get up and stretch everything out, again."

"Probably. Shall we go see what Santa brought?"

Snorting, I rolled my eyes. "I seriously doubt this house was on his list last night. It was supposed to be vacant, remember?"

He gave me an appalled look. "Surely you believe in Christmas Magic? I mean, come on! He's Santa Claus!"

"Of course, I believe." I rushed to assure him. "I just know he was really busy last night. He may not have had time to make course alterations." If he wanted me to play along with his child-like delusions, I was more than happy to do so.

Smiling, he leaned in for another quick kiss. "That's my girl! Let's go see, shall we?" Throwing back the covers, he hopped from the bed, grabbing his shirt off the floor and shrugging into it. The cooler air hit me and made me miss his warmth immediately. Quickly, getting out, I started making the bed.

"What are you doing that for?" he asked, watching me as if I were doing something completely alien to him.

"You're kidding, right? Do you not know my mother at all? Everyone's beds have to be made on Christmas morning and our hair has to be combed before we can open presents."

Micah laughed heartily. "Yeah, I can totally see your mom making everyone do that. She's not here though; you realize that, don't you?"

I shrugged, continuing to make the bed. "Doesn't matter. I wouldn't put it past her to ask me when I get home. You wouldn't want to land me straight on the naughty list for next year, now would you?" I teased.

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