December 3rd, 2:22:59 PM

Start from the beginning

Dean smiled and took his hand in his, causing the others to quickly turn their enthusiastic whoops into enthusiastic (and very fake) blanches.

"Get a room, you two," yelled out Sam over Anna pretending to gag.

"Suck my ass, you guys," laughed Cas, causing Dean to turn up the radio to almost unbearably loud when Jess made a loud comment about how she would gladly, but Dean would get jealous.

December 3rd, 2:36:59 PM

Take deep breaths. Calm down. It'll be fine, Milton. It'll be just fine.

Cas took a puff of his inhaler anyway, leaning against the hall outside of the courtroom where people were walking around, completely oblivious to Cas's distress. Either that, or they were used to it. Twitchy people in suits and ties like Cas, lawyers, judges, policemen, a handful of doctors, it seemed like every single type of person you could think of was in there, somehow involved with some case in some way.

Taking a deep breath again, Cas tried to run over what his attorney had run through in his mind one last time. Suddenly, he heard his name being called, and whipped around, cramming his inhaler into his pocket so that whoever it was wouldn't see how freaked out he was. He didn't want to worry anyone.

It was Kate, wearing a dark suit and skirt, her tiny one inch heels clinking as she walked towards him. Her makeup and hair done just so, she looked serious, professional, and ready to kick ass all at the same time, and that's when Cas realized the true importance of how you presented yourself in court. He looked down at his suit, which was rumbled and looked like it had been ironed 10 years ago, and his tie, which was hanging loose.

She stopped right in front of him, looking him up and down then frowning. Cas couldn't blame her. Kate wrinkled her nose, "Why is your tie on backwards?"

He just sighed, and she rolled her eyes, tugging it off of him. "I don't like it, anyway," she told him, handing it back. "Makes you look like a tax accountant rather than a 20 year old traumatized rape victim."

"Traumatized is a strong word," he reminded her as she smoothed down his suit, trying to make the wrinkles disappear.

"Yeah well, it's all about what you want them to think of you." Kate frowned as she reached up on her toes to try to make his wild hair stay flat. "God, your hair never stays down, does it?" She grumbled, and Cas bent down to give her better access to it. "It's insufferable."

"Yeah, tell me about it. 20 years of living with this hot mess, Kate. 20 years."

She gave up, and gave him once last look over. Apparently satisfied enough, she smiled, looking up at him.

"How you feeling?"

Cas shrugged.

"Do you remember what we went over last night?"

"Yeah, yeah. Trust me. This is one of the most biggest days of my life." He stopped for a moment. "Don't tell Dean I said that."

She laughed. "For most people, it's meeting their soulmates."

"Look how messed up my life is, Kate."

"I know." She smiled at him again, before giving him a brief hug. "You'll be fine. I'll make sure of that."

"Hey Kate?" he said suddenly, as she started to walk away.

"Yeah, Cas?"


It felt too dull, not enough to compensate for all that she had done for him. He didn't deserve her, no one deserved her, and Cas hoped that one day, when this was all over and the court case was nothing but a distant memory, he could sit down with her one day over a cup of coffee and just talk. He hoped they could still be friends. Cas had never such a close friend before, just casual ones that he sat with at lunch and said hi to in the hallways, not someone who he knew cared for him deeply and he cared for in return. He hadn't even realized when he had made that transition of thinking of her from just another official assigned to help him who didn't really understand him, to a trusted friend who he could always count on.

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