"He's not happy right now, Ben. I'm pretty sure that he didn't mean to hurt you," Scott apologized, sighing sadly. Ben nodded, rubbing his shoulder. "Where's Jessi?"

"Their room," Ben answered right away, looking over at Kevin. He walked over to Scott, looking up at him sadly. "Mitch is very sad, Scott. He was crying last night in the bathroom and he was in there for a little while. I don't know why though."

Scott tilted his head, confused too. Tori walked downstairs, looking towards Mitch's room. She frowned, wanting nothing more than to hug Mitch tightly and refuse to let him go.

"You need to talk to him, Scott," Tori commanded the Lead Alpha, looking at him seriously. Scott nodded, waking over to the stairs. "Explain it to him. He might not understand at first, but it'll be okay. Just talk."

Scott nodded once more, waking to his room. He opened it slowly, not wanting to scare Mitch. When he walked in, his lips were met Mitch's. The Omega wrapped his legs around his Mate's waist, removing his lips from Scott's. He put his forehead on the Alpha's, breathing heavily.

"Do you remember how you said that you wanted to have another child?"


Mitch kissed him once more, this time the kiss being soft and gentle. He stopped again, his eyes turning blue as he smiled weakly.

"Let's do that right now."


"Where's Alyssa?" Avi asked Kevin, getting shrugged shoulders as a response. "You don't know? Did you forget?"

"I think so?"

Avi nodded, sighing quietly. He wanted Kevin to stay! They're known each other for seven years and now they're being separated. Avi refuses to let that happen!


Avi looked down at Jordyn, smiling sadly. His little baby is know seven months old and he loves her more everyday. He can't be anymore grateful for he and thanked God everyday for giving him such an amazing gift.

"Avi?" Tori asked, looking up at her fiancé. He nodded, adjusting Jordyn carefully. "We need to do wedding planning. I want to get married quickly."

"Okay, baby," Avi responded, smiling weakly. Tori frowned when she noticed that the smile was fake, breaking her heart. "Where do you want it?"

Tori was about to answer when Scott and Mitch came downstairs, practically connected together at the hip. The Omega smiled as he kissed his husband, breathing in the cologne Scott liked to wear. The Lead Alpha smiled, kissing Mitch's forehead sweetly.

"Are you better now, baby?"

Mitch blushed as he nodded, looking down at his feet. He smiled when he felt Scott's fingers under his chin, making him look up.

"Much better."

"I bet."


Tori shook her head, slapping her fiancé on his arm. Avi kissed and hugged her playfully, laughing when she tried to get out of his embrace. Ben and Jessi watched from up above, not understanding what was going on.

"I wondering why they're yelling at each other."

Ben nodded, looking over at his Mate. He shrugged his shoulders, not knowing either.

"Maybe we'll know when we're Mitch's age."

Jessi nodded, a question on their mind. They looked up at Ben, their eyebrow raised.

"Will you always love me, Ben?"

Ben smiled as he kissed Jessi sweetly, nodding his head as he ran his hand through their hair.

"Everyday, even after I die."

Jessi smiled, nodding their head. They kissed Ben once more, stepping on their tippy toes to kiss him.

"Do you love me?"

Jessi smiled as they nodded, hugging Ben close to him. They took a sigh of relief, feeling loved by the boy in their arms.

"Everyday, even when I die."


Alex put a gun in his bag, taking a deep breath. The person he is killing has to be dead in an hour or else Jake will die and he doesn't want that to happen.

Please don't let him die.

He went into the car, his leg bouncing anxiously. He drive slowly, wanting time to stop entirely. He can't believe that he is killing somebody.

How is this happening?

He went in front of the house, taking another deep breath. He stopped the car, walking up to the house carefully. He forgot the gun in the car, but that was okay.

He knew what he was doing.

I can't believe I'm doing this.

He knocked on the door, hoping for a response. He nearly jumped when the door opened, hearing the person gasp on the other side.


"Hi, Mitch."

A/N: I'm able to update today because I went home early and I'm pretty sure I can't attend rehearsal. I'm sad about that, but I get to update for you all! I'm so happy, lol. Anyways, I hope that you all enjoyed the chapter and remember that I love you all.:)


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