Everyone in the classroom formed a half circle around in small groups of two and three. He was the only person who sat alone.

Aaron stared outside the school building. He’d gotten out of a conference with his counselor about college and was now staring outside at the pouring rain. He flipped his hood up and exited the building.

Aaron left the school campus and began walking down the street. His hoodie was not exactly rain material and was getting pretty much soaked. He could have taken the city bus if he hadn’t been deterred by his stupid counselor.

A car rode up beside me and he groaned. “Please God, don’t let it be Mikey”, he prayed silently. He gripped the bottle of mace in his hoodie pocket and then turned to look.

It was Holly.

“The heck, Holly?” he exclaimed as he walked to the door and yanked it open. She laughed as he climbed in.

“Did you think I was a rapist?” she asked, laughing.

Aaron shook his head and pulled his phone out. Holly maneuvered the soaked streets to Aaron and Lexi’s house.

Message Sent

From: Yourself

To: Anastasia

Just left school, wanna do something?

Message Received

From: Anastasia

Sure. What do you wanna do?

Message Sent

From: Yourself

To: Anastasia

Dk. We could go get some food. Oh, wait do you eat?

Message Received

From: Anastasia

WTF do you mean do I eat? Of course I eat. Food is life.

Message Sent

From: Yourself

To: Anastasia

Ooh, you’re already fat you’ll just get fatter. How much do you weigh 95 lbs?

Message Received

From: Holly

Who are you texting?

“Why are you texting and driving, Holly Evers?” snapped Aaron, looking up from his phone.

Holly giggled and slipped her phone into her pocket. “Well, we’re parked at the gas station so, I think its okay.”

Aaron looked and saw that they were at a popular chain gas station. Holly laughed and got out the car to pump the gas. Aaron texted her back from inside the car. She checked it as she was at the pump.

From: Yourself

To: Holly

Hey, no phones at the pump!

Aaron watched her chuckle and stick her phone into her pocket. She finished pumping the gas and then walked over to get back in the car.

“Gas is so expensive!” she raged. She started the car and checked her messages before putting the car into gear and zooming out of the parking lot.

“Were you texting that doctor dude?” she asked, suddenly.

Aaron bit his lip, staying quiet. No, I haven’t heard from him since the day I got out of the hospital. It’s been a week, I think.”

“Are you okay?” she asked, sympathetically. Aaron shrugged, playing nonchalant.

“Life goes on, right? He was just my doctor. Kind of annoying, too.”

Holly stayed quiet on that since the hurt in Aaron’s eyes was obvious. At least it hadn’t got as bad as Shawn, right?

We get money, don’t be mad

Now stop--

Hating is bad!

Aaron slid the button over to answer the call. “Speak or buzz the hell off.”

“It’s me. I’ve been working all week, then I went for another shoot, and then yesterday I was on call. So, do you want to come over? Do you remember where my house is? Or I could just come to your house?”

“Johnson?” Aaron said, incredulously.

“No, its freaking Shawn of the Dead”, retorted Johnson, sarcastically. Aaron gulped at the mention of the name Shawn.

He looked over at Holly, who was observing him from the corner of his eyes. He looked out the window and talked in a more hushed tone.

“Uh, you can come to my place.”

“Okay, cool! I’m sitting in your driveway.”

“Just knock on the door. My sister’s inside. My uncle’s probably in Chicago again, though.”

“Uh, no, I’ll wait out here for you.”

“Okay. Well, I’ll be there in a couple minutes.”

“I’ll be waiting”, chirped Johnson.

Message Sent

From: Yourself

To: Anastasia

Got plans. Raincheck?

As Holly’s car pulled into the driveway, Aaron saw Johnson’s familiar cobalt car. The car came to a stop and Aaron stopped only to say thanks to Holly.

Holly watched as Aaron ran to Johnson’s car then slowed down to tap on the window. Johnson stepped out of the car, looking perfectly normal and very attractive.

The two walked closely to Aaron’s front door and Holly bit her lip in indecision. Should she tell Aaron what she had witnessed?

Holly backed out of the driveway and drove slowly and thoughtfully to Chris’, all the while pondering her dilemma.



I know, I know! It’s been a pretty long while. It’s my first year of high school so things are pretty intense. ;) Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, there was no real plot, just some filler to get to the next chapter which I am very excited about.

Remember to vote and comment and try your hardest to participate in the two contests I have going. The “Insiders” one isn’t really a contest, I guess since I haven’t really been doing it. I may just cancel it all together. But, I really do still need a cover.

Remember to comment so that I know I'm not wasting my time! And Vote!

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