Chapter 9

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Ichigo's POV

It was around six in the morning. Grimmjow and I were both up early. Well, I was up early. The blue haired man was still asleep soundly on the bed. I tried to wake him up once, but he started swatting at my face until I backed off. It's been thirty minutes since then. So I think now might be a good time to try again. After quickly fixing my hair, I walked to the bed the male slept on and kneeled down a bit.

"Hey..Grimmjow. You'll be late if you don't get up now." I whispered softly as my lips got closer to his ear.

Grimmjow let out a soft groan and turned to face the other way. "I'll just be a little late then..I'm tired."

I was beginning to get irritated with his nonchalant attitude towards the situation. Although it wasn't much of a big deal on my part, the man's stubbornness was getting annoying. On top of that, it's a huge deal on his part. He's the head of the department in which he works, the last person that should be late to duty is him. Finally, I gave up trying to wake him up calmly. Obviously that was the wrong approach. Instead, I grabbed one of the free pillows on the bed and took a deep breath. Stepping back a bit, I rose the pillow above my head and closed my eyes.

"Damnit Grimmjow.." I whispered softly under my breath. "You brought this on yourself."

With that, I swung the pillow back down again as hard as I could. The pillow made a loud noise as it made contact with the sleep males face. His eyes shot wide open as he jumped when the pillow hit him. Quickly, I dropped the pillow and ran for the door.

Apparently, I was to slow, because the as soon as I grabbed the doorknob I felt a hand wrap around my ankle. The finger squeezed tighter and tighter until moving the leg became near impossible.

"You want to explain to me what the hell that was for..Ichigo?" Grimmjow asked as he yanked me down by my ankle.

I fell to the ground, landing on my butt with a loud sound to follow along.

"I already told you. Y-You were supposed to get up an hour ago to get didn't listen so this was my last resort."

The male let go of my ankle slowly, giving me a pretty scary glare while doing so.

"Don't ever pull something like that again, kid." He said as he pushed himself off of the ground, putting his hand out to me soon after.

I reached up and hesitantly grabbed the angered males hand. "Got apologies Grimmjow." I replied softly as I pulled myself up.

"Mn..glad we're on the same page now. " Grimmjow said as he began to look through his closet.

"In my wouldn't have happened if you had just got up on time..." I mumbled softly, hoping he wouldn't hear it.

Suddenly, the bluenette turned quickly to look at me. One hand was clenched into a tight fist, while he also wore a malicious smirk on his face.

"What was that Smartass..? Do ya have something else to say?"

I jumped slightly when Grimmjow began to talk. I'm guessing he heard somewhat of what I had said. So to answer his question, I shook my head and left the room quickly. I didn't really want to anger him anymore then I did, but he did bring it upon himself.


Grimmjow and I finally made it to our destination. 43 minutes late of course, due to the older male;
Waking up late
Taking forever to get ready
Stopping at Dunkin Donuts even though they provide donuts and coffee at our workplace
Screaming at the guy in the drive-through for getting the order wrong
And lastly,
Getting pulled over for driving almost 15miles above the speed limit.

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