08: Highschool.

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» screaming from the top of your lungs; let's be alone together, we can stay young forever «

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» screaming from the top of your lungs; let's be alone together, we can stay young forever «

First day of school. Forks High, as a junior. But when did juniors look like this? Then again in the memories when I had been sixteen or seventeen, I remained this height, and harbored these looks. The only difference was that as a vampire, everything became enhanced. Especially the beauty we held as humans. Since Ferguson, who preferred to be called by his last name, Alex, was added into the mix of things, he decided he wanted to apply when I did. He and I would be adopted brother and sister, who came in two weeks after the Cullens did. He chose to apply under the name Alexander Garner. Instead of Ferguson Alexander Garner. Probably to prevent all the teasing. He would have to endure by me. All the renditions of Fergie's 'Fergalicious' since his arrival to our home had gotten to him. He snapped one day when Emmett and I had been singing the chorus to him. "Jesus Sage! It's going to be just Alex from now on!" He yelled at us. We could only laugh at his dismay. Needless to say it was the last time I had sang that to him and respected him enough to start calling him Just Alex. He took that over Fergie any day.

"Does this feel weird to you?" I whispered low enough for only him to have heard. He said it was. He and I shared the fact we haven't been to school since we were turned. And Alex was at least thirty years older than I had been. "Why are they staring?" I motioned to the students around us as we stepped out of his Volvo. They were a month into the school year. Another thing was, Alex and I had to push back going to school. He had slipped up one day and nearly killed a man. We all decided for his sake and the rest of the town's, we would go in the year after the Cullens. Esme and I took him under our wing to coach him into ridding him of the blood lust. Alice was there whenever school was over as well as Jasper. With him around, he helped switched his emotions around. It took an entire year for him to adjust to an animal diet. But he was sure of himself he was ready the year after. Alex only shrugged at my question as he led the way. I asked him about how he was feeling.

"Perfectly fine." Alex lied. He was nervous, I could tell. "I'm fine!" He insisted as he tried to cover his head with a backpack. He effort was futile, I could still see his aura. I gave him credit for the attempt though. We passed by the Cullens at the parking lot and gave them subtle nods before we headed to the main office. We were greeted by the secretary who handed two slips, our schedule, and another that needed to be signed by all the teachers. "You know, I'm never going to get used to the lack of privacy around the house." I chuckled and assured him he eventually would. "Hell no. Lying is going to going to be extremely hard now! I don't even think I can surprise Alice anymore without her seeing anything." They had their first anniversary two months ago. It was crazy to think him and Alice had been together for only a year. It felt much longer. "Oh, your ring." Alex motioned at my ring finger where the engagement ring still was. Unfortunately Jasper and I had yet to have an actual wedding. But what was the rush? We had all eternity.

"I keep it on." I remained adamant in the decision. The ring has never left my finger since the day it came on. I plan to keep it that way until a wedding band slipped over it. Alex threw his hands up in defeat before we both continued to our first class. We ignored the hushed whispers of our fellow classmates. They questioned who we were, where we came from and if we had been related to the Cullens. Their only viable excuse was the same colored eyes and the matching physical traits. "Sometimes I wish I couldn't–"

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