30: visitor.

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"Who are you?!" I stared at the stranger before me.

My mind raced at the possibilities of who this person was, they hadn't been anyone I met during my human life or my after life. I know I had lived a long time but this wasn't a face I was familiar with. This person was new. But the way their eyes peered into my very own, in a sense that they knew me made me wonder how.  There wasn't any malicious intent as far as I could tell. Curiosity laced in his crimson eyes as the stranger and I circled each other in the small clearing of the forest. I had just recently gotten back from my hometown after a couple weeks. I figured Bella would be... her usual. Not better but not worse at least. Last I left her, she did start going out albeit making stupid decisions here and there. But what teenager wouldn't? Let alone one who was heartbroken.

What I didn't expect to find a few miles away from the Cullen household was another vampire roaming around the area. He recently fed, I was suspicious of where he had though. If it was anywhere near this location I should get rid of him. I couldn't allow vermin like that to feed on a town I was inhabiting. 

"I am Laurent. I was just passing through." His dark complexion gleamed under the high sun. That had obviously been a lie. A cricket chirped not too far from where we stood as I waited for what he'd say next. He wasn't anyone I had met before but to reveal my connection with the Cullens would be foolish of me. No longer did I have the safety in numbers or the Cullens or my mate to help defend me if I were in a rut. If this guy was a threat, I didn't want to expose myself. 

Survival was always my number one priority; ever since that day I woke up by the riverbank.

"I didn't realize this territory was still occupied." He spoke slowly in attempt to gauge me. I stared past half lidded eyes. I chose my next few words carefully.

"Still?" I quizzically asked with my head cocked to the side. Playing ignorant to who used to be here was my best bet. Clearly, this man was associated with the Cullens somehow. "I was just passing through myself." A small smirk fell on his lips.

"I find that hard to believe." Laurent chuckled as he advanced closer to me. Instinctively, I stepped back from where I stood. "You still haven't introduced yourself."


"Hm." There was a certain glint in his eyes that I couldn't place a finger on. He knew something.

"What's your business here." I crossed my arms over my chest, no longer in the mood for games.

"As I said," His hand was placed on his chest. "I am just passing through. I am doing a favor to an old friend of mine before I head home." The smirk on his face never faltered and I never wanted to punch someone in the face more than this moment. It's been decades since I've had to encounter another  vampire on my own. Back when I was a nomad, the fear of losing my own life never occurred to me. I never cared for the consequences and often jumped into trivial mind games with several ones I've met. There were some like James, who were good company to keep for a short while. And other whose malicious intent was far too great for me to handle. Most were so blood thirsty I couldn't stand to even be near them. Thinking back, I was more reckless than I realized and thank whatever was out there for keeping me alive. If this was the old Sage, I would've pinned him down and demanded answers. But now knowing there were greater vampires out there with powers that out rank me; I became cautious.

"Must be some friend for you to come all this way." Forks was a small town, who would've had business here?

"Ah, this is my parting gift for Victoria." At the mention of her name, I quickly reacted.

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