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We were walking down the streets of Paris just gawking at the beautiful sights, we could see the Eiffel tower in the distance, it was so beautiful just like Denise. Our hands touched several times, and finally I just entwined our fingers, and it didn't seem to bother her and that made me feel more confident that I could win her over.

"Dave, where are we going?" She asked quietly

"To a bakery why?"

"Oh, no reason haha"

"What are you gonna want?"

"I don't know haha, a Mille-feuille!" She grinned

"Okay, that sounds good haha"

"It looks good too!"

"Have you ever been to France?"

"No, why?"

"I was just wondering how you knew all of this haha"

"Oh, well I studied it in school"

"Oh, I didn't know..."

"Obviously, we never talked in high school, well you know after the fight..." She whispered

"Well, that was one of my biggest mistakes"

"Well, we all make mistakes, but at least we learn from them"

"Yeah, you wanna know what my second biggest mistake was?"


"Well Denise, my second biggest mistake was going to that bar that night and then not telling you what had happened when you called"


"Denise, I miss you, more then you could ever imagine"

"I miss you too, but I'm still engaged, I can't just call it off for feelings I'm not even sure I have any more..."

"But what about the kiss on the plane?"

"I don't know, can we just forget about that?"

"You're so confusing! Why do you make me feel like I have a chance, and then you just take that away from me and make me miserable!"

"I make you miserable?!"

"Out of all of that, you only get that?! Wow."

"So I do?"

"No god dammit!! You just drive me fucking insane! One minute, I wanna fucking make love to you, and then I just want to throw you off a cliff!"

"Why don't you?"


"Just do whatever you want!"

"If I do, then that would be rape..."

"It wouldn't be rape if I let you"

"What?!?! I don't fucking understand you!"

"I know" she smirked

"Do I kiss you or do I just like leave?"

"Do what ever you want"

"Okay, look I love you, but I can't do this, I give up! I'll see you at the hotel!"

"Wait so you're leaving me stranded in Pairs? A place that I've never been to"

"Well you studied about it in highschool!"

"Fine, I'm going back to the hotel so that I can Skype Beau"

"Okay, well I'm gonna go and have a few drinks"

"Okay, have fun"

"I will, I'll have more fun than you will on Skype with Beau"

"You don't know what we'll do on Skype"

"Well I don't know whether to want to watch or just go drink"

"Go drink, I need time to think"

"Okay, have fun with that"


-Denise's P.O.V-

"Beau what are you doing?"

"Well I was making a video with the guys, how has he been treating you?" Beau asked

"Good, he only pissed me off once haha"

"What did he do?"

"Nothing, it had to do with work, so it's not important"

"Babe, if it has to do with work, then it is important, if you love it, I want you to tell me, I care, we need to talk more. If it makes you happy, then tell me, because I want to know how to make you happy, but I won't know how to if you don't tell me. Your happiness is my number one priority"

"Aww thanks babe, I didn't know that you'd care, I mean Dave never really cared and wanted me to quit"

"Well I'm not Dave am I?"

"No, but I thought-"

"Well don't think, because I do care, I always have and I always will, do you know why?"

"No, why"

"Because I love you"

"Aww, I love you too"

"Well I have to go, but Luke wants to talk to you okay? I love you and I'll talk to you later, bye"

"Bye babe"

"Hey Denise!" Luke smiled

"Hey Lukey!"

"Don't call me that!"

"Why not, I always call you that..."

"Yeah, but Beau found out that I like you and well he's being very protective of you"

"What the fuck? He can't do that!"

"Well he did"

"Well he's not going to get away with it"

"Well have fun with that"

"I will!"

"So how are things with you and Dave? Have you decided yet?"

"I'm messing with him, to see if he'll get me back, I'm not just gonna give it to him"

"Well I guess that's one way to make sure he really works, if he doesn't then just move on"

"Yeah" I smirked

"Well I have to go, me and Skip are going out for some drinks, just like Beau is with Maddie"

"Wait! What?"

"Beau went out with Maddie for drinks"

"How was she dressed?"

"In pants and a t-shirt, why?"

"Just wondering"

"Oh, well he'll probably call you later anyways haha"

"Yeah haha, but if he's gonna keep me on a tight leash then I'm gonna do the same" I smirked


"Well bye!"

"Adios slu+"

I ended the call and started typing a document for Dave and the cast director that we were meeting here in two days, I had to be very professional and so did Dave, this man was going to cast for 'Now You See Me' and we really needed Dave to get that role so that he'd be noticed and put in many other films, that was what I hoped for anyways, and I'm sure he did as well.


I was a bit tipsy, but not drunk to where I wouldn't remember what I did in the morning. I walked back to the hotel room and slammed the door to let Denise know that I was there.

I saw her sitting on her bed with the laptop typing, that brought back tons of memories, good memories. I jumped in her bed with her, she looked great. She had her sweatpants, an oversized t-shirt and her glasses. She looked perfect. I'm not saying that I don't like it when she's dressed nicely, but she looks way better when she's herself. I jumped on the bed with her and looked at what she was doing, and smiled slightly, I knew her weaknesses, and that was one of them. I put my arm around her and smirked, the look on her face was priceless!

"Dave, what are you doing?"

"Nothing, why?"

"Oh, uh..just wondering"

"Why were you being so difficult?"

"I don't know, I thought it was kinda cute how frustrated you got" She admitted

"Oh, so you think I'm cute?" I smirked

"Maybe I do, maybe I don't"

"Just admit it, you want me back!"

"Cocky much?"

"I'm just saying the truth"

"Why don't you admit it, you just want to get back together with me!"

"I already have! I've told you so many times!"

"Then do something about it!"

"Fine, I will" I smirked

I pushed her down on the bed and pushed the laptop aside and started kissing her roughly, yet passionately. I pulled her top off and just started kissing down her body, and took off her sweats leaving her in her bra and underwear. She had taken my top off somewhere along the way and now I was only in my pants. That soon changed when she flipped us over.


I looked to my right and saw Dave there, I couldn't take it anymore, I gave in. I shouldn't have, but I did and it was the amazing, it wasn't like before, this time it was rough, but it was just as passionate as before. I missed him, and now I had him, but it was most likely gonna be over by the time we flew back. I was gonna get married in a month, and we had tons of things to do before then.

"Good morning beautiful" He smiled

"Good morning Dave" I smiled back

"So, I had fun last night, did you?" He smirked


"I'm glad you came" he smirked quoting my favorite song

"Shut up Dave!" I laughed

"What's that noise?"

"What noise?"

"That one!"

"Oh! That's Skype! Oh shit! Beau is calling!"

"Don't answer!"

"But he'll ask questions!!"

"Well he kinda should..."

"Dave, do you wanna be murdered?!?"


"Then shut the fuck up!"

"Rude much?"

"Get out of my bed!!"


I answered the call and luckily it was just a phone call and not a video call otherwise I would've been screwed

"Hey Beau!"

"Hey Babe, how's it going?"

"Good, I just woke up actually"

"Oh, well get your ass up, and outta bed!"


"Denise, why is there a picture of you and Dave holding hands?"

"I don't know, he was taking me to a bakery, then we got in a fight, so I left"

"Well why the hell were you two holding hands?!?"

"I don't know, Beau I am really sorry"

"Look, I want you to stay away from him"

"Well you know what, I want you to stay away from Maddie, and stop trying to control my life!"

"I'm your fucking fiance!"

"That doesn't mean you can tell me who I can and can't talk to!"

"You know what, we'll talk when you get back."

"Why, cos you're losing?"

After I hung up I threw my hands in the air and groaned.

"That didn't sound fun"

"It wasn't fun"

"You see if you were my girlfriend, I'd treat you better"

"You were my boyfriend, and things didn't work out, what makes you think they'll work out now?"

"I don't, I just hope things would work out"

"Well by the looks of it, I'll be yours soon"

Never Knew I Needed You (Dave Franco Fan Fic) *EDITING*Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin