3; Test. (Re-Written & Edited)

Start from the beginning

"Jesus, Nina what's wrong?" She was on the floor, with her head in the toilet. 

"I'm about to-" Nina started throwing up before she could finish her sentence, I ran over and pulled back her hair, holding it while continued to puke her guts out. I'm not going to lie, I almost gagged at the smell of it.

"Nina, what the hell?! Did you eat something bad? If I would have known you were sick we could of just stayed home."

She shook her head, "I need to tell you something." She finally lifted her head up from the toilet and looked at me. "Okay, what's wrong?" I asked. 

"I think I might be pregnant," she said quietly and that's when I instantly hit her with all types of questions, "What? How? Oh my god, who? Oh my god, when? Who is the father?"

"Jesus Aurora, what is this 21 questions?" Nina laughed and I just looked at her. "I'm sorry!" I quickly apologized. "I didn't mean to come off like that, just know I'm here when you want to talk more about it." I smiled at her with reassurance. 

She didn't waste any time before she blurted out, "I hooked up with this guy at Justin's party." My eyes widened, "You what?! That's probably why you were gone that whole dämn night!"

"We really hit it off, one thing lead to another and besides I was half drunk." I nodded, "Okay, well who is it?" She looked confused, "What?"

"You heard me Nina, who is it?" I asked again.

"Za." Why does that sound so familiar? Za? Oh my god it isn't, is it?

"Yes it is." Nina spoke up, my eyes widened and I didn't even realize I said that out loud.

Lil Za and Lil Twist live with Justin and sometimes there home when I go over there, them boys have had to have heard us, or me.. more than a few times. 

"Well we could get a pregnancy test if you want on our way home." She shook her head fast, "No way! that shït is embarrassing!" I rolled my eyes, "Are you serious right now?" 

She looked at me with a blank expression. "Nina we have to get a test. You need to find out! Do you want to finish your hair? Or leave now?" I asked. 

"I'm getting my hair done." She stated, I nodded "Okay, then on our way home we can pick one up." 

"I'll only take one if you take one with me." She looked at me, I shook my head, "Ni, you know I can't even get pregnant. It would be pointless."

I got into a bad car accident when I was 16 with my older brother, I snuck out one night and got drunk at this crazy college party and I needed a ride home, so I called my brother who I knew would come get me and our way home a drunk driver hit us, talk about karma. To make it even more worse the driver was coming from the party I had just been at as well. He T- Boned us and I broke my neck, was in a coma for 3 days. 

When I woke up I was surrounded my family, and later that night my parent broke the news to me, the doctors told my parents I'll never be able to have kids because of the damage to pelvis.  My brother Carlos thankfully only walked away with a broken arm, he swore it wasn't my fault but I couldn't help but blame myself.

"Ro, please. I just really don't want to do this alone." She said quietly.

I took a minute to think about everything. "Fine," I said.

She nodded, "Thank you so so much."

I don't have a problem taking a test with Nina if that means she will feel more comfortable, its just unfortunate because I know mine will never be positive. 

"I don't get what's so hard here Ni just pee on the fücking stick." We've been standing in my bathroom for at least 15 minutes. "I'm scared," she whined.

I rolled my eyes, "Well we need to hurry up before nosypants gets home and see's what were doing." I was referring to Jessica. Nina and I agreed to just keep this little bit of information to our self because um quite frankly we don't trust that her loud äss mouth won't say anything. 

"Than you pee on yours!" Nina pouted. "If I go first than will you finally just pee on the dämn thing?"

She nodded and I sat on the toilet and pee'd right there in front of her, I don't care she's my best friend. I just can't even believe I'm actually doing this shït.

You're doing this to help her feel comfortable, Aurora.

"There now pee," I spat pointing to the toilet for her to sit.

She walked over to the toilet, and finally after almost 20 minutes later Nina pee'd on the dämn stick.

"This wait is killing me." She groaned. "Will you please relax, it's only been a minute." She nodded, "I know these next two minutes are really going to kill me." I giggled, "On the bright side if your pregnant I'm going to be an auntie."

"Ro I can't get pregnant! I need to live my life! I can't do that if I have a baby." I snapped cutting her off, "At least you can fücking have kids!" I quickly covered my mouth as soon as the words left my mouth.

She got silent, "Aurora.. I-I didn't mean it like that."

"It's cool." I lied.

"Ro, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it." She leaned closer to me, I shook my head, "It's fine." I threw my pregnancy test in the little trash can I keep under my bathroom sink and walked away.

"It's been 3 minutes right?" Nina asked me softly. I nodded and she ran back in the bathroom grabbing the test. "Thank god! Ya girl is officially not pregnant!" She clapped her hands. I went over her and hugged her, "I really am sorry Ro." I nodded, "I know, it's okay."

Nina walked back into my bathroom to the throw her test out.

"Uh, Aurora wasn't your test in the trash?" She asked.


"Um, Aurora can you come here?"

I got up annoyed and walked into my bathroom and there Nina stood with a positive pregnancy test in her hands.

"I thought you said it was negative?" I asked. "Mine was negative." She assured me.

My heart sank.

"There's no way!" I grabbed the test out of her hand and there it was, there showed the notorious two bright pink lines.. 

"Congratulations momma!" Nina leaned in and hugged me tightly. I pulled away, "This can't happen! I can't have kids! The doctors said it would be almost impossible." I panicked. 

"Ro, miracles happen all the time." She said,  "Oh my god you're going to be such a good mommy!" 

Tears started to fall down my cheeks, so many emotions were going through my body. I felt like I was going to pass out. This can't be happening.

 The doctors said I would never be able to have kids! Repeatedly.

"And Ronnie's going to be such a good dad, this baby is going to have the best parents!" She cheered.

Yeah, if only Ronnie was the father.

 There's no way in hell that this baby is his, I slept with him once when he first came back home but after I slept with Justin that one night I haven't touched him since. I knew this baby was Justin's, which only scared me more. 

"I got to go." 

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