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Just as I suspected Lauren and Normani had big smiles on there faces Monday morning. They also had those ridiculous smiles on their faces Tuesday as well. The happy couple spent two class periods sharing the rather explicit details of their sexual adventure, like I really needed to hear that.

Tori and I are the only normal ones in the group. Even though things got pretty intense in the backseat of Lauren's car we were chill about the whole situation. Honestly I would mind doing that again but I'd rather do it with Dinah. It looks like neither one of us can get it right. She's over here messing around with Kendall and whoever else she's got and I'm with Tori. What's it gonna take for us to find our way back to each other?

On the way to chemistry I ran into Dinah while I was going to my locker. We exchanged sad smiles with each other and went out separate ways. I just want her but I know what would happen if I did take her back. Chemistry was boring as hell we watched a video the entire class about the periodic table. I tried to focus and take notes on the video but I was thinking about Dinah the whole time.

"Yo Raquel you good?" I whispered.

"Yeah I'm fine."  Raquel whispered back.

"You sure? You haven't said anything all day and that's not like you." I said.

"I'm just tired that's all." Raquel said.

The bell for lunch rang and class was dismissed. Laurmani and Tori went to lunch while Raquel and I went to the library. As I was doing my calculus homework working Raquel kept checking her phone. "What did he say?" I asked.

"Nothing he just wants to know if I told anyone about what I say. You're the only one who knows." Raquel said.

I closed my book and put them in my bag. I've only met this Big Rob dude once I hate him with a passion. "I really think you should tell the cops. I'm pretty sure they can protect you and your mom from him." I said.

"Y/N you know I can't do that. Guys like Big Rob have ways of hurting people from prison. If it becomes too much for me to handle I'll go to the cops, I promise." Raquel said.

"If you do decide to go to the cops I'll be right there with you." I said.

"I know." Raquel said.

We sat in the library until it was time for us to go out last class. I met up with the rest of the girls in the hallway before walking Tori to her class. When we got to the locker room Coach Benson walked in and said, "Alright ladies I hope you brought your running shoes because today you're running the mile."

"Nope not today." Normani said with her arms folded.

"Normani it's not gonna kill you. It's just one mile." I said.

"That's easy for you to say you run a mile for fun every morning." Normani said.

After putting on my gym clothes the girls and I walked out to the track. While I was stretching Kendall stood next to me and kissed me on the cheek. "I heard you won your fight a few weeks ago, congratulations." Kendall said.

"Thank you Kendall." I said.

"Why don't you come to my house after school so we can have a little fun?" Kendall suggested.

"I don't think that's gonna happen Kendall. I'm kinda seeing someone at the moment." I said.

Kendall groaned and said, "Why are all the hot ones taken?"

Kendall walked away and I looked at Lauren, but Lauren was looking straight ahead. "Lern."

"Don't call my name, I'm not even looking in her direction. I only have eyes for one girl and her name is Normani Kordei Hamilton." Lauren said.

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