Chapter 4: Free Chocolate Chip Cookies

Start from the beginning

"Shut it with the girly thing!"

"What do you want me to call you?"

"By my name, idiot!"

"You're forgetting that you're talking to the prince right?" Ooh, I forgot about that cockiness of his. I scoffed and he looked at me with a hint of mischief in his eyes. "Poor love, how about we set some rules, shall we? Rule number one, no talking back. I'm quite surprised at myself that I'm letting you talk back at me when others don't. Now you can't. Punishment? I'll think about it."

My eyes widened. "Y-you can't do that!"

"Yes, I can. I'm the prince, you''re you."


I crossed my arms over my chest. "Now what is that supposed to mean?"

Clint shook his head, not daring to answer me. I sighed. "Fine! But just so you know, I'm not a rule follower."

"You'll have to deal with the consequences, then." He told me before turning his back. Now where is that man going?

I shot him a glare before following him. "We have to visit York, remember? I haven't seen him all day and I think, now that you're back, he'd want to see you. You've got no idea how much he's been missing you."

He looked at me with a bored expression as if not really caring. "Yeah sure, why not."

Funny how quick change takes place.

Now he's just being a jerk. A big kind of jerk.



The difference about four years ago and now is that whenever I go to York's field, I ride Trinity now. Trinity's also a horse with pure white skin and dark blue eyes. She was given to me by Kit and Ella the minute I turned sixteen. York likes me whenever she's around. I think he's got a little bit of crush at my girl.

"What the hell, Alex! When did you learn to ride a horse this fast?" Clint exclaimed. Before getting on our horses, he challenged me to a race. He should've known who he's challenging. Then again, news of him being the best horse rider of his school reaches our town so he's also that fast. Yup, but not fast enough. "Are you even a girl or what?"

I stared at him blankly. "Listen dude, no need to be sexist or anything. You can say how amazing I am if you really want to. I know I am. Aren't I, Trinity?" She glared at me. "Whoops, I meant- we're amazing." I scratched her neck softly. "Now, hiya!"

Truth is I really like zooming on the wind. I first tried it with York (it caused me several bruises cause he's not really that fond of me) and when I got Trinity, I know I've found the perfect horse for me. Riding a horse in its fastest pace is like flying. I love the feeling of the cool wind against my skin. The best part about that is that she can run at whatever pace I want her to run because she trusts me. And I trust her very much too. We're basically one.

So the whole race thing contained a lot of wind-on-hair effects and dares, laughing Once that we've reached the field where York and his family are soon to appear, we decided to take a sit on the green grassy ground.

"It's a shame we didn't brought some snacks with us. It's fun to have a picnic at this kind of places," I told Clint, wanting to start a nice conversation.

He narrowed his eyes at me. "Are you trying to imply something?"

I laughed. "Eventually. I'm actually trying to send you a message that I'm starving. Did you bring something, anything to eat?"

He shook his head and I frowned in disappointment. "That's all?" Why did he sound so nervous at the same time quite surprised all of a sudden?

I tilted my head to the right. "What else?"

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