♡ Bishie: Tetsuya Kuroko

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Tetsuya Kuroko

Anime : Kuroko no Basket 


Those sparkling blue eyes. That blue hair that sways while he plays. His remarkable skills and determination. These are just some of the few things that you'll love in Tetsu.

Tetsu is the main character in the famous anime, Kuroko no Basket and ironically, he does not get much attention in the series due to his weak presence unlike in the real world where thousands of fangirls literally drool over this fictional dude. Tetsu is actually the first person that I fell for when I became a Kurobasu fan. Every post, every tweet, everything I say at that time is related to Tetsu. I was so in love. Take note: was.

It's just like one day we just fell out of love. We both realized that we're not meant for each other. We broke up.

(I'm sorry guys for being too weird. I know it's crazy but I consider my relationships with Anime Characters precious. // sobs)

Even if we already ended our relationship we still remain as good friends and he is the one I turn to everytime Akashi and I have an argument.

Okay guys before I totally get so into this let me end this emotional rant by saying: Kuroko Tetsuya is a certified bishie. Bow.

"When you come to hate something you liked, it is incredibly painful."

- Tetsuya Kuroko

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