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Violet knew that walking down this path and through the woods trying to find her boyfriend's house was a bad idea, mainly because she had no idea where it was. Hell! it was somewhere in the middle of the woods... Though, it did not stop her from wanting to meet his family. Violet was searching around her for any paths that may have led to the Parker residence but was far too paranoid to be walking around alone. Her house was not too far from his but why did it feel like she was on a completely different part of town.

She looked over her shoulder to be wary if anyone, or anything, was following her until she bumped into a woman who seemed to be running for her life, "Oh my god!" she shrieked before putting a hand over her chest, the lady fell and Violet hesitated before helping her stand up and asked her, "What's wrong?"

"Well, um there are peo- these people are try-trying to kill me." she spoke with distraught laced in her voice. The constant turning of her head as she looked at every opening path to be sure she wasn't being chased. It was evident she was not being dishonest - one look at her and Violet knew she needed help.

"Oh my gosh, are -are you okay? Of course not. Uh, shit." Violet questioned whilst she felt the world come closer around her at the situation at hand. She closed her eyes and took a quick deep breath before thinking about something her aunty told her once, "Do you need somewhere to hide?" she asked trying to observe the lady's body language and if she needed to be sent to the hospital.

"Yes," she nodded with  a look in her eyes that Violet had never seen in her life, "I need a hiding place, can you help me?" she asked. 

"Do you want to go to a hospital?" Violet asked, still afraid of letting a stranger into her house.

"No! Please, I just need somewhere to stay for a bit." she begged. 

Of course Violet decided to help her; she looked terrified and Violet knew she wouldn't be able to forgive herself if she left this lady out in the woods alone after she told her why she was running in the first place. She took the stranger back to her place - which wasn't very far from Kai's house anyways. Violet took her there and found some spare blankets and wrapped it around her as the lady appeared to be shivering from the cool weather - her clothes were also torn and dishevelled.

"Is there anything else you need?" Violet asked her handing her a glass of water sitting next to her on her bed.

"No. I'm fine." she hesitantly replied as she took a sip from the glass of water.

Trust, Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now