Chapter 18: Seeding New Ground

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The last few weeks of school were very pleasant. Even exams weren't that stressful. The group started planning the summer tour, and Mellie had to ask her dad if she could go. She was eighteen and really didn't need permission, but she wanted his blessing. He called to say he was going to be home late the Wednesday during exams, so Mellie offered to cook dinner. When she brought out the brownie a la mode, Frank looked horrified and asked, "What did you do?" sounding panicked.

Mellie laughed, trying to stop it but failing. She smiled and shook her head. "I didn't do anything daddy. I want something." She grinned.

Air rushed out of Frank. He was clearly relieved and smiled again. "What is it then?"

Mellie glanced down at his bowl. "You don't want to eat that first?"

"I'll eat while you tell me." He smiled and put a spoonful in his mouth, closing his eyes for a moment as he savored it.

She smiled again and figured just the taste of it should put him in a generous mood. "The band is doing a tour down the east coast of Florida this summer. They're trying to reach a wider audience."

Frank nodded and smiled. "Good for them."

"Yeah. Marissa and Claire are going with them from the start. Rebecca is going to join them for the Miami portion. She can't go for the whole summer because she has a summer job."

Frank nodded again and swallowed his second bite. "You want to join them in Miami for a week or so?"

Mellie shook her head slowly. "I want to join them from the beginning and spend the whole summer with them."

Frank frowned slightly but looked thoughtful.

Wanting to influence those thoughts, Mellie said, "It's not like I'm going away in the fall. I'll be at Emory with you, so it's just the summer away, and then we're together again."

Frank nodded slowly and gave her a little smile. "I think I'll survive that long."

Mellie grinned.

He asked, "How much is this going to cost?"

"Not much. The guys are hoping to pay for hotel rooms, gas, and food from the money they make at the gigs and selling their music online to all the new people they reach. I would like to have some spending money." Mellie had a little money saved from gifts but had never had a job. Her father hadn't wanted her to work, saying her job was school.

Frank nodded. "I figure you'll be staying in a room with Jax?"

Mellie nodded.

"Then that wouldn't cost any extra, nor would the gas. I do feel you should pay for at least some of your food, and I want you to have some emergency cash on you as well as my credit card." He thought about it for a minute. "How about I give you three thousand dollars for the summer, and we go open you a bank account? That way you can get a debit card and won't have to carry much cash."

Mellie's eyes widened as her father spoke. "Are you serious?" She couldn't believe it.

Frank laughed and nodded. "Yeah. I figure you would have saved that much by now if you had a job. You wanted a job, and I wouldn't let you get one, so... it can be your graduation gift." He shrugged.

Mellie laughed, popped out of her chair, and wrapped her dad in a tight bear hug. "You're awesome, daddy!"

Frank laughed and hugged her back. Before he let her go, he demanded, "But you have to carry your cell phone at all times, keep it charged, and call me at least every other day."

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