Chapter Three: How Long

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dragged her words, making Naruto more and more impatient. He was so fixated on wanting to know what happened, he didn't see the figure standing next to him, and when Sakura looked up away from the blonde, he followed her gaze.
"Well, you see, what happened... was me."

Naruto's eyes widened when he realized who was standing next to him. His mouth was a gape and he grabbed a handful of blankets, throwing them aside and tried to stand up. "S-Sasuke?!" the blonde stuttered as he fell to the floor. Sasuke looked down at the young man, bent over, and gave him a painful leg up back onto the cot.
"Sorry... that was my doing.." he responded, and slipped a look of worry through his eyes. Naruto blinked, and tilted his head,
"Wh-what? No don't apologize for anything!" he was desperately trying to control his tongue long enough to finish this one sentence, "you're back! Th-that's all that matters!" the blonde smiled, and a single tear ran slowly down his left cheek. The raven-haired boy smiled out of guilt, and wiped away the tear that dared to roll down such a handsome face.
"No.. Naruto.. you've been asleep and healing for two months.." he paused, and Sakura continued his sentence for him,
"What really matters is you're awake, alive, and almost well." Naruto stopped listening at two months. He heard the rest, he just didn't bother to comprehend it,
Two months? I've been asleep for two months? I'm still wounded now.. What the hell happened?
The boy thought. "What happened." Naruto demanded.
"Naruto.. You just woke up, don't you wanna know what's been happening first?" Kiba tried to help by pushing the idea off.
"No." the blonde barked, "I want to know what happened to me. I want to know why Sasuke is suddenly back in the village. And most of all I want to know why you are avoiding my questions like the plague!"
"I'll tell you once you're well." Sasuke stood up and looked out the window, "You can wait that long, right dobe?" he teased. First anger welled up in Naruto, but then a smile spread across his face,
"I've missed that... yeah, I can wait."
Sakura, Kiba, and Akamaru sighed and gave Sasuke a look of apprehension, worried about what he might tell the wounded young man.
"Missed what?" he asked, and looked back down at Naruto. The smile quickly leaped from the young mans expression, and he covered himself with,
"Oh, nothing. I'm just... I'm still fuzzy yah know, after two months.. you'd be fuzzy too." he chuckled nervously, and the smile that ran from Naruto, now infected Sasuke's lips. He then raised his middle and forefinger, and thumped Naruto's forehead lightly.
"I've missed you too, dobe." the young man sighed.

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