That was probably true. I had a terrible memory. I picked up a photo and smiled. This one, I did remember. We had gone on a school field trip and there had been a bus breakdown. We got out and there was a spot on the hill we were on where you could see the ocean over the hills. 

"I remember this one. Wasn't that the same day that you almost got your arm taken off by that tree?", Asuna said, looking at the photograph. 

I thought back to when that happened. I had been dared to grab a leaf off the tree that was hanging over the road. To say the least, I accepted the challenge and almost took my own arm off in the process. 

"Yep.", I said, chuckling. I set the picture down beside the box as Asuna picked up another one. 

"This one is from right before we had our first fight. I remember that day so clearly. I was mad because you were mad that some guy made a pass at me. We took the picture after we made up on your couch.", Asuna said. 

"Yeah, I might have overreacted a little.", I said, scratching my head. 

"You punched the guy and knocked him out cold. You're lucky that nobody saw you.", Asuna said, lightly pushing my shoulder. 

"Well he was hitting on you. You're worth too much not to protect. I was merely sending him a message that told him to leave you alone.", I said. 

"Yeah, ok.", Asuna said, laughing a little. 

"I remember that fight. I threw my book at you.", Asuna said, her face falling.

I remembered it, too. I beat myself up for weeks after that.

"Yeah, but I didn't blame you for it. I knew that you were pretty justified in doing that, though. I deserved it.", I said, trying to make her feel a little better. 

"But I shouldn't have done it. I was just being stupid and acting completely insensitive. I mean, you've never seen me do it, but I get really mad when people act like they're interested in you. One time, I got so mad that I tore a pillow in half.", Asuna said. 

I started to feel slightly afraid of my wife at this point. I think she noticed because she laughed and then patted my shoulder. 

"Don't worry. I won't do that again, unless somebody is threatening you.", she said, still laughing. 

That didn't make me feel very much safer. I nodded and then turned back to the memory box. I pulled out a little white bunny figure. 

"You got that for me three years ago, for our first new year's festival. I had thought I lost it, but then I remembered that I put it in here.", she said.

I chuckled. This was from the year that we had finally made it out of Sword Art. I had rolled Asuna around in a wheelchair at the festival because she was still too weak to walk. She got out of it a few weeks later.

"There are pictures that go along with that one.", Asuna said, going through a stack of them and setting a couple of them aside. 

I picked up one of the ones she set down. It was a photo of me picking her up. I was in a black t shirt and dark jeans with my jacket and she was in a kimono with pink kittens on it. I smiled. I remembered being scared to death of her father, but now I was cool with him. I was just scared of offending him. 

I put the photo down and looked at some of the ones in Asuna's hand. She had a few from when we were in SAO. She had taken a snapshot of me fighting a boss. It was the one that nearly killed me. I remembered that day so clearly. It was the first time that Asuna and I really connected. After that, we grew closer and closer until we go to where we are now. 

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