Kidnapped again.......

Start from the beginning

I saw my kidnapper standing were the refere usually stands his large smirk visible a mile away."What do you want?!?"I sputtered loud enough for him to hear.

"Oh Apple, I just want what everyone else wants, a good show!"he announced over the speaker once that said the croud went wild. I saw as a grown man jumped in the arena ready to kill. My whole body still felt like jello and I wasn't able to doge the punches he was throughing at me. The croud started boo'ing because of my lack of effort. I winced after every puch he hit me with.

If I ever wanted to be alive to see my mate then I'm gonna have to fight. I started feeling my body again dodging the the man's punches.Then I started throughing in some of mine making him grunt each time. I did a flying kick box kick sending him torwards the pool wall, and that was the end of him. I wanted to go home, this is not my life or atleast anymore.

This time two men jumped in at once,twice the size of the other man.There was no way I could beat them as a human.I changed into a werewolf leaving them defenseless against my sharp claws and razor sharp teeth and what can I say they were no more in matter of minutes.

"What can I say? You want somthing done right you gotta do it yourself." the mean nurse bragged jumping in the arena. She turned into a wolf so we were even, or atleast that's what she thought.

"Apple I can read you like a book, you live off self pitty and too bad your never gonna meet your mate."she sang, scrapping her claws on the cement as if to sharpen them.

"Sorry I haven't read your book yet, unfortunately I judge books by there covers."I sighed sadly, while I scratched my claws in her face making her hiss.

"Do you know how long I wanted to do this?"she asked taughntingly. While sinking her teeth into my stomach as I whimperd in pain. I started closing my eyes trying to shut out the pain .

"APPLE!"I heard a scream from the croud."APPLE, PLEASE DON'T STOP KEEP FIGHTING!" Another voice said. I opend my eyes to see the Lads being held back at the edge of the arena.

"Oh Apple I really thought you were gonna put up a bigger fight."The mean nurse mumbled not letting go of her bite on me. I closed my eyes again wincing in pain every so often.

"Also it's a shame you were never able to find your mate, especially because he was quite cute.You guys would make a good couple."she teased.

"And he's here watching you die, only if you weren't such a wimp and took a look at that picture."

"Do you not know when to SHUT UP?"I growled getting up and prying her off of me.

"FINALLY THE GREAT AND MIGHTY APPLE IS PUTTING UP A FIGHT!!"She howled.I charged torwards her knocking her to the ground.



"THAT'S NOT GOOD ENOUGH, I WANT YOU DEAD!"she roared. Do you see what good friends I have? :) 'note the sarcasm'.She slammed me into the pool cement wall. Her claws sank into my furry wolf body.

"I'll make sure to pay your little mate a vist, give him everything you couldn't. "she bragged.

"Ok, chick you really need to know when to SHUT UP!"I glared throwing her off of me. I then did the impossible, I turned into my beast.

For those of you who are confused I'll explain, werewolves can only turn into there beast form during the full moon or when they really need there beast form which is very rare and nearly impossible.

I saw the mean nurse chick curse under her breath at the sight of me. There I was in my full beast wolf form. While she was shiting bricks in her regular wolf form.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't hear you would you like to repeat what you just said?" I asked intimidatingly. She shook her head in fear as I pinned her to the ground with one paw slowly crushing her, until she passed out from lack of oxgen.

The crowd went wild,I looked over to the lads who were still being held back by security. I spotted my kidnapper now happily dancing because of the huge pot luck I probly won him. I changed back into my regular wolf form.I just wanted to go home.The croud kept cheering the noise almost paralyzing me.

I needed to get out of the arena but how? I was sickly weak and remember the walls were like 12 feet high.I would have to jump, but I needed a running start. I dragged myself torwards to on side of the arena and with the rest of the energy I had I took off at a sprint each step felt as if I was being stabbed by a million swords at once but I continued.Taking one large leap once I reached the right amount of climax. I glided through the air my paws bearly reached the edge as I got enough grip to hold myself up, but pulling myself up was a different story.

I held myself up as long as I could and just as I was about to let go a strong hand wrapped it's self around me pulling me up. I looked up to see Zayn carrying me over to where the rest of the lads were.

"Apple I'm soo sorry, I should've never left you alone!"Utterd Harry.

"Apple are you okay?"asked Niall who was checking all my wounds.I felt a some sort of drowsiness take over me as all their questions started being turned into jumbled messes.Then everything went black....


Hello my raccoons! Ok next chapter I promise I will reveal who Apple's mate is! I'm trying to milk it as long as possible! I really liked the idea that @imbarlinaalex left me in the comments and I'm really sad that I wasn't able to use it but I already kinda had this planned :( Ok in the comments, my raccoons please tell me who you want to be Apple's mate!!



The other boys are now out of the question!So please don't be telling me you want one of the other boys in the comments because I will send you a virtual slap!!!!!!


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