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What he loves about you: He loves how alike you and him are, he doesn't have to pretend to be something he's not around you, he can just be him and not be judged for it. James also loves how weird and funny you are and you can always make him smile when he's feeling low.

When you argue: He's extremely stubborn and hates admitting he's wrong, but when he does apologise, he makes a huge deal out of it and makes sure you know that he cares about you.

Cute things he does: He always has a smile or a smirk on his face, especially when he's looking at you. James also treats you like a queen and always makes sure that you feel like one!

How he tells you he loves you: He often buys you gifts and as he gives them you to he whispers in your ear that he loves you, he then pulls you close and kisses your neck.

When you're together: James is always complaining about other men talking to you (this is what you argue about most the time) and he gets really jealous - to cheer him up, you usually cuddle him and tell him you only want him and that makes him feel a lot better. You both enjoy talking about random things and laugh a lot, you also love to be silly and joke around with eachother.

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