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What he loves about you: How unique you are, he's never met anyone like you - your personality is so different to anything he's ever known, every conversation he has with you makes his heart beat fast. You bring excitement and happiness to his life, you take away all his bad thoughts and he appreciates every second with you.

When you spend time together: You mostly enjoy the simple things like sharing stories and performing dumb short plays to each other, you enjoy each other's presence and time really flies whenever you're together. After talking for hours, Dandy enjoys cuddling and kissing (which often leads to sex).

How he cheers you up: He tries his best to make you laugh by pulling silly faces or doing dumb things, he usually takes your mind off things and ends up making you laugh hysterically. He doesn't even have to try half the time, he just seems to have a gift at making people laugh.

When you argue: Despite being stubborn, Dandy often gives in since he knows that he has no chance of winning an arguement with you, he backs down and apologises by giving you gifts and kisses on the cheek - he's a true gentleman.

When he sees you: His bright eyes widen, a smile appears on his face and he immediately runs to you and hugs you - he makes you feel wanted and appreciated every time you see him.

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