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What he loves about you: What doesn't he love about you? Everything about you is perfect to him; your appearance, your personality - he can't get enough of you! The biggest thing that he loves about you is that you never let him down, you make him feel so loved and happy.

How he acts: Donovan gets crazy-jealous ALL THE TIME! He never fails to let others know that he's your man and he also hates it when you're around other men, but he tries to act like it doesn't bother him when in reality it kills him.

When you're alone together: Donovan finally feels at ease, he can finally be calm with the person he loves. Being around you is pure joy for him since he can finally unwind and not have to worry about you talking to other guys.

How he lets you know he loves you: He's so clingy, always hugging you and following you around, it's so adorable. Donovan randomly grabs your hand and pulls you close to him for a kiss.

Things about him you love: His cute baby-blue eyes, the way he looks at you, you also love how much he cares about you - he's always doing small things to let you know how much he cares and never fails to make you feel special.

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