Chapter 6 New Beginings

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February 7, 2006

Today is my baby's birthday he's now a year old. Right now he's walking around the condo tearing it down, I'm not having a party for him today because it's a Tuesday but my dad and grandmother are planning a huge birthday party for him on Saturday. What's been up? I've been over Derek or fuck boy as Shawn calls him, I don't see why I should waste my time crying over someone who didn't want to be here in the first place Amir and I have been just fine without him with the help of Shawn an no we are not official, school has been great I've been on the dean's list and I plan to stay on that too.

My door opening got me out of my thoughts I looked up and it's nobody but Shawn. I smiled crept on my face when Amir tried to run to him.


Yes that's what he calls him after all he's the only man that's been around him other than my father, plus when he did it the first time 7 months ago Shawn didn't mind he actually smiled and stating "I told you he knew what's up".

"Hey buddy how's your birthday been going?"

He responded in gibberish and Shawn acted like he understood. I couldn't stop smiling at them interacting.

"I got you a gift".

"Giff daddy?"

"Yes Giff ".

"Stop teasing him Shawn" I stated trying to sound serious but ended up laughing at the way he pronounced the word.

"I'm not babe" he chuckled.

"Yes you are you know he can't pronounce the word".

"Whatever because your ass is laughing too, are you finish studying we can start with our plans".

"I actually am we were waiting on you".

"So Playland and then dinner?"


"Daddy Giff?"

"Oh yeah here you go buddy" he said giving the wrapped present to him.

"Another toy as if you don't spoil him enough on a regular basis" like he brings a new toy for him every other day it's so ridiculous.

"Well I work so I get to spend my money on whoever I want to spend it on".

Oh no he didn't. I raised my eyebrows at him "shut up I work too".

"When?" He asked as I grabbed my purse off the coffee table and he picked up Amir and we walked out the apartment.

"It's just that my daddy hasn't assigned anything to me as yet ". I answered while locking the door with the key.

I walked into the elevator which he was holding and he smirked at my reply.

"And he'll never will as far as I am seeing".

I rolled my eyes knowing that he was right but didn't want to admit it "shut up". Just because he works for my dad he think he knows everything. The elevator stopped at the lobby and I got out but he was too busy playing with Amir that he hasn't noticed "let's go big head".


We were having a blast at Playland Amir was really enjoying his self , Shawn was having more fun than the both of us though I swear he hasn't grown up yet I now know why he chose this place but you'd never guess who was having a party next to us... My niece I totally forgot that she and Amir shared a birthday. Walking towards the bathroom I heard little feet running towards me on impulse I stepped to side because I didn't want these kids to push me but when I turned around it was my niece and little brother.

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