Chapter 10:

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The T-Birds were at school and it was recess.

"I'm gonna go look for Jan." Putzie said.

"You mean your girlfriend?" Sonny asked as they laughed.

"Go find Jan and come back here ok." Danny told him.

"Ok Danny!" Putzie yelled running off.

"Guys, you should be sensitive with Putzie and his feelings for Jan." Danny told his best friends.

"Sorry." Doody said.

"Hey boys." Phil said walking over to the boys. "Where Putzie?"

"He went looking for Jan." Kenickie told him.

"Ok." Phil said nodding his head

"Mr. Jacobs?" The boys turned around to see Putzie, Jan and the boys' teacher.

"Oh no." Phil said.

"Mr, Jacobs, I saw your little brother rolling on the ground with a boy and fighting him." The teacher told him.

"Putzie? Our Putzie?" Sonny asked.

"Putzie didn't do anything lady!" Kenickie yelled.

"Actually I did." Putzie responded.

"Roger, why would you do that?" Phil asked his little brother.

"They were picking on Jan." Putzie told them. "So I gave them a one two."

"Don't worry ma'ma, I'll talk to my parents about this." Phil told her.

"Good, shape up young man." The teacher said to Putzie. "You are my favorite student."

Then she left.

"I'm real sorry Philly." Putzie said feeling bad. "Well let's just take these guys home ok."

Then Phil walked them home.

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