Chapter 17:

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At night before Phil was babysitting the kids, but he was making dinner for Putzie and Jan for their first date. Danny and Kenickie were upstairs helping Putzie for his date and Sonny and Doody were downstairs talking to Jan who was dressed up.

"Should I be nervous?" Putzie asked.

"No," Kenickie told him. "Your gonna have a great time."

Putzie looks up at him.

"Just trust us buddy." Danny said.

"Dinner!" Phil yelled.

"Come on." Danny said holding his hand.

Then they went downstairs to the kitchen.

"Wow Jan, you look so beautiful!" Putzie said amazed.

"Thank you Putzie, you look so handsome." Jan replied.

Then they smiled at each other.

"Alright, Mr. Jacobs your dinner is ready to be eaten." Danny said.

Putzie grabs Jan's hand and they sat down at the table.

"What's for dinner big brother?" Putzie asked his brother.

"Spaghetti." Kenickie replied as Phil put some spaghetti on their plates.

"It's looks yummy Phil." Jan said smiling up at him.

"Enjoy your dinner kids." Phil said smiling down at them both.

Then the boys walked out of the kitchen and listen to Putzie and Jan.

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