Chapter 15:

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Steven, Jess and Putzie walked up to Putzie's porch. Then Steven knocks on the door and just then the door flew opens.

"My baby brother!" Phil yell picking Putzie up in his arms and squeezing him tightly.

"Son, you ok?" Mr. Jacobs asked him. "Is he ok?"

"He's fine, we took good care of him." Steven told them.

"Honey, don't ever run off again." Mrs. Jacobs said taking him in his arms.

"I'm sorry mommy." Putzie said.

"Son, why did you run away?" Mr. Jacobs asked him.

"Because everyone was mad because of me." Putzie told him sadly.

"Oh honey, I'm so sorry that I yelled at you." Mr. Jacobs apologized to him. "Do you forgive me for yelling at you?"

Putzie nods his head yes.

"Good, I love you baby boy." Mr. Jacobs said.

"I love you too daddy." Putzie said and turned to Steven and Jess. "I love you guys!"

Putzie ran over to Steven and Jess who got down on their knees and hugged Putzie back.

"We love you too kiddo." Steven said ruffling his blond hair.

"You'll see us again baby, ok." Jess said.

Putzie nods his head.

"Ok," Steven said as they stood up. "Bye."

"Bye, see you guys later." Mr. Jacobs said as Phil held Putzie in his arms.

"You too," Jess said smiling at them.

"Thank you for finding our baby boy." Mrs. Jacobs said.

"No problem." Steven said as they left the house.

Then Mr. Jacobs shuts the door and turn to his family, and they saw Putzie sleeping on Phil's shoulder.

"Let's go put him bed, he had a long day." Mrs. Jacobs said smiling.

Phil took Putzie upstairs to their room and put him in bed.

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