Chapter 26

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I woke up in the morning, and a huge smile was plastered on my face. I got up and changed into my favorite blur tank top and a black skirt. I slipped on a black jean jacket and found a pair of black flats, so I put them on. I rushed downstairs and grabbed an apple, just when there was a knock on the door.

"Hi," Brody said, beaming at me.

"Hi," I said back, adoring his figure. I say adoring his figure, but it means I'm checking him out. His beautiful sapphire eyes twinkled, and it seemed to be inspecting me.

"You look beautiful, like always." He commented, making me blush.

"Thanks, you do too," I said, letting some hair fall into my face. Then he reached out and tucked the hair behind my ear.

"Beautiful, don't you mean hot?" He said, raising his eye brows. His hand was still by my cheek since he tucked the hair behind my ear, and he slipped his other arm to my waist, pushing me closer. I pondered for a minute on his question, but it was slightly hard to concentrate when his hot breath was dancing around my cheek.

"Mmm...both," I finally said, and he let out a snort.

"I knew you'd say something like that," he laughed, and before I knew what he was doing he was kissing my lips with incredible force. I raised my eye brows, but kissed him back. The hand by my cheek went to my the back of my head, and his hand on my waist lowered to my butt, but I stopped him.

"We'll be late," I told him, and he stared at me in disbelief.

"Are you kidding me? We were just getting started!" He whined, and I rolled my eyes.

"You didn't come here to make out with me, you came here so you can drive me to school." I reminded him, and he groaned in defeat before he started walking to his car. I followed close behind him, and he opened the car door for me. I smiled at him, and he shut the door behind me when I hopped in. He got in the driver's seat, and he started the car. A tune I didn't know was coming out of the radio, and he was singing along with it. I closed my eyes and put my head down, listening to his amazing singing voice.

He put his hand on mine and laced his fingers with mine. I looked up at him, and he was smiling with a pair of eyes that were looking at me with adoration. He mouthed, I love you, and smiled even wider. I mouthed it back to him, and he kissed my cheek just as the red light turned green.

I saw Romie when I entered the school, and she was smiling at something. It's been about two weeks since Brody and I got back together, and she seems happy for me, but she's obviously a bit uncomfortable to have both of us as company, because, well, we can't stop kissing each other.

"Hey Romie." I said.

She had gotten over Matt a long time ago, but it worried me sometimes because she was never really interested in guys anymore. 

After school, Brody stopped by at my house. Cody was already home, and he looked at Brody in confusion.

"I thought you guys broke up..." Cody asked, raising a suspicious eye brow.

"Uh...we're back together," I told him, and he scrunched his eye brows.

"What? Ugh, whatever. I'm going over to a friend's house now, so you two can do whatever you like. Just, no sex on my bed." I groaned and swatted his arm.

"You're such an ass!" I yelled at him, and he laughed.

"I don't want to sleep where you two had sex! Eww, yuck!" He shivered at the thought. But then he turned to Brody, gave him some kind of warning glare, before turning around and leaving the house. He said a bye over his shoulder, and Brody asked if he needed a ride, but Cody told him that it was only a ten minute walk and that he was fine, and he closed the door behind him. There was a silence, but it wasn't awkward. I turned to Brody, and put my hands on my hips.

"So, what you wanna do?" I asked, making my way to the kitchen. I was hungry for a snack. He followed me, and I opened the fridge to find nothing there except for tortilla chips. Why were there tortilla chips in the fridge?

"Crud." I said, taking out the chips. Brody looked at the chips.

"Why are there chips in your fridge?" He asked, and I laughed.

"Beats me," I said, and turned around to have his face closer than I expected. He seemed to find my surprise amusing, or so I think that's the reason for his smirk. He put his hands on my hips, pulled me closer, making me moan. He kissed my neck, moving to my collar bone, and then the sensitive spot in between it. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and he maneuvered me on to a wall, and kissed my lips. He licked my lips slightly, asking for access inside my mouth. I cracked open my lips, and his tongue slipped in. My hands moved into his messy hair, lightly grabbing to fistfuls of his soft hair.

He kissed my neck some more, sending shivers down my spine, tingling through my body, getting me excited. I rolled my head back, letting him do what he's doing so well. I jumped up and wrapped my legs around his hip, and he moved us to the couch. I was under him, and my legs wrapped around his, and we never let go of our passionate kiss. He suddenly let go, and he rested his head on my chest.

"What's wrong?" I asked, and he shook his head against my chest.

" a bit too excited," he muttered, and I felt myself blush as I thought of what kind of position we were in.  It was a really long time since I got so...intimate with someone, because I didn't do anything more than kissing with Jake. Sure, I've only had sex once, but I did a lot of making out in the months before that, and it felt was similar.

My grip on him tightened, and I whispered, "then get excited," into his ear. He loosened his grip slightly, so he can look me in the eyes.

"You sure?" He asked, his blue eyes much darker than usual. That made me feel wilder than I already felt. I nodded. Yeah, we've been apart for a long time, but we were together for two weeks now, we love each other, and we're kind of all alone in my house at the moment!

"Yes. I want you." I told him, and he smiled. He carried me upstairs, laid me on my bed, and we continued kissing. I tugged at his shirt, and we let got of our kiss long enough so he can hitch his shirt off. I only had a second to swoon over his toned muscles, because he was kissing me again. We fought for dominance, and at one point he let me win over, and I was on top of him. He pulled my top off, and I craned my back off so he can take it off.

"You are so beautiful," he said, and we continued our adventure.


I drove Brody to school, so he can get on his car to go to his car.

"I'll see you tomorrow." He said, and I leaned down from my seat to kiss him. "Mmhmmm," I murmured into his lips, and he laughed.

"I love you so much," he said, and he walked off to his car.

"I love you more," I whispered, and let my head fall onto my car seat. I started humming the tune Brody was singing earlier, and started daydreaming of Brody and I getting married, and having kids....and I giggled softly before driving home.

Aaand, that's the end!! There'll be an epilogue, but that's the end of this story!!!

Woah!! That was fast!!! I'd like to thank everyone who's supported me, and all the comments and the votes, I appreciate them so much!!

I had an awesome time writing this story, and make sure to check out Summer Mirage when I update it!!!

Once again, thanks so much for those of you who took the time to read this, it's so amazing!

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