Chapter 18

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It was the first day of December, and flyers for the Musical had been put up, and announcements were run every morning saying that tickets are sold in the main office.  Plus, because of my unnaturally fast curing, I was already off my wheelchair, and on crutches.

I glanced at one of the flyers on my way to the cafeteria.

 Our Very Own, May Ellen High School Students

Proudly Presents:

"Grease" the Musical!!!!!

December 18th, Friday  7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Tickets are $10 each, sold in the main office!  

(Tickets bought at the entrance will be charged $5 extra)

I couldn't help but feel a bit nervous about this.  I mean, it's happening.  I started breathing in harsh gasps, so I needed to go to the lady's room and wash my face.  I went to the water cooler and drank big gulps.  I finally calmed down, so I walked to the cafeteria and took my usual seat next to Romie.

Brody also sat on one of the popular kids' tables, and he joined the basketball and soccer team.  He seemed to have made a lot of friends in that group, because he hangs out with them.  He was sitting and flirting with a beautiful brunette cheerleader.  I think her name was Waverly.  She wasn't the type that shows as much skin as possible and dumps an entire truckful of products on her face, though.  She was that pretty-but-smart, cool-but-loveable type of person, which made me jealous all the more.  He suddenly kissed her on the cheek, and she flushed red.  I couldn't help but feel a teeny bit jealous.  Ok fine, a lot jealous.  There was a painful, burning fire in the pit of my stomach, and the back of my eyes stung with angry tears.  

Just then, someone poked my shoulder, bringing me back to the present.  I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, and let my clenched fists go.  I looked up to see a tall basketball player motioning his hands as if asking if he could sit beside me.  

"Hey."  He said, scooching in.  He had curly brown hair and the cutest hazel eyes.  He was smiling showing his gorgeous teeth and his dimples.  Can you believe it?  This boy had dimples and it was possibly the cutest thing I've seen so far in a boy!

"Hi."  I replied calmy though, feeling a bit confused.  I was sitting where most of the cheerleaders and football players sat.  What was he doing here?

"Jenny, right?"  I nodded, still confused.

"I wanted to talk to you.  I've always thought you were nice, and I saw you in rehearsals the other day, and you're really talented."  I beamed at him at that.

"Thank you, and I don't want to sound rude, but, I don't really know your name..."

"Oh, sorry.  I'm Jake Inkwell."  Upon hearing his name, I remembered I had Spanish and Astronomy with him.

"Oh, right!  Hi Jake.  What brings me the honor of you sitting next to me?"  

"I thought, uhm...maybe you'd like to hang out some time?"  He asked, seeming a bit unsure, biting his lip.  He fidgeted with his fingers, and he suddenly found his lap very entertaining.  I found his nervousness quite adorable.

"Sure!  Should I give you my number?"  He agreed, so we swapped phones and shared our phone numbers.  We talked a little until the bell rang for class.  I stood up, about to say bye to Jake, but he spoke first.

"I'll walk you to class."

"Oh, that's really not necessary, I'm sure I can walk a few feet fine on my own."

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