The youth group party

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"Oh right, i forgot it was a pool party! Yes we need to go bikini shopping!" I needed to go bikini shopping because my old bikini that i had has holes and stains in the middle. The hole looked natural if you look on one side but the stains looked weird since it was only on one side. And besides I havent had new one in ages.

"We can go back to Victoria's Secret and buy the ones we had saved." giggled Karlie. Me and Karlie have been obssesive over Victoria's Secret since 7th grade but back then none of them really had fit on us both. Now, since we were sophmores and older most of them fit us perfectly.

Our first bell rang three minutes ago and I just came out of the bathroon. Somehoe today the bathroom was crowed with girls. I quickly headed to my English class. As I was rushing through the door I knocked into someone. Books fell out of my hands and made a loud noise.

I looked up and it was the new kid that everybody has been talking about. He got down and helped me with my books.

"Im so sorry" I said to him.

"No its my fault. I should have looked where I was going. Are you ok?!" As Jake asked me our eyes met and I got to see a closer look. I couldn't move. He was less than one foot away from me, looking into my eyes and he smells so good. Just as I was about to answer him, I heard a familiar voice.

"Oh, there you are nerd! Did you really wanted that guy's attention?! OMG get a life!" shouted Annelie. Errhh... I hate Annelie, the most famous girl in our school. She has been making fun of me pass three terrible years. She just hates me so much and I dont really know the reason why. Karlie thought maybe she's jelous of me cause I was better dancer than her. I just hated her, I mean who wouldn't!?!

"Here let me help you" the new kid handed me a hand

"Thank you" I whispered loudly enough so he could hear. I ignored Annelie and walked pass her 'crowd of people'. They were like her minions.

"Good morning class. We have a new student joinging us today and his name is Jake Benson. He moved back from Indianapolis. I expect everybody be nice to him. Ok, Jake pick an empty seat." said Mrs.Marshall. And she went on with the class.

As he walked pass by, I couldn't stop myself from starring at him. I would stare at him for awhile and he would catch me looking at him. And if he did, he would just gave me a smile and I smiled back at him.

Finially the last bell rang.

"Thank goodness school is over. I almost fell asleep during Algebra2." Karlie sighed.

"I know. I don't get half of the things that Mr.Olive was teaching us.. And half of the time it felt like he was just talking to himself...."

"Anyways forget about algebra. Ready for some serious Victoria's Secret shopping?!"squeaked Karlie as she couldn't hide her excitement.

"Totally!" I shouted at her and we headed to the mall.

We finally arrived at VS shop, the moment we've been dreaming all day.

"Hey, Andri you should try this neon pink! It totally suites you and I'll try the neon purple. We could have matching ones!" over the excitment, we headed to the changing room. The bikini fitted Karlie perfectly and she actually looked like a VS models. It made her curves look hotter and the neon purple made her eyes look stunning even more.

I looked fine except I didn't look like those models, atleast not my face. My body looked very nice and the bikini made my legs look skinner and longer but i wasn't satisfied about my looks.

"Since this is on sale we have to get these! They were meant for us!!" cried Karlie.

After a deep thought I decided to get it. I could maybe cover my face with sunglass and it will be fine.

As we headed out from VS, I saw Jake. But he wasn't alone, he was with a girl next to him.

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