Chapter 5: The Mission

Start from the beginning

Ahhh Kiara.. Jealous are we. Yeah I know about her too.

My boss killed her parents as well...Yawnn, who gives a fuck?

My cheek began to ache. I touched my cheek, and looked up to see her in mid swing. Before she could hit me again though, Jasmine pushed her back. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING KIARA?," She screamed at her. Kiara only continued to glare at me. I smirked back and that only seem to push her anger off the cliff. She pushed Jasmine out of the way and ran towards me.  She began a punching spree on me until I flipped us over and got a couple hits of my own in. Jasmine began tugging on my shirt to get me off of her, but I ha a strong grip on Kiara's shirt. Jasmine then stepped in between us and pushed me to the ground, breaking up the fight. She turned around towards Kiara then and screamed, "What the FUCK are you doing?!!"

However, Kiara ignored her and just spoke to me through clenched teeth, "Leave. Her. Alone."

I kept silent while I picked myself up off the ground, dusting off my clothes. I then smirked, "What? Are you scared I am going to steal her away." I decided to poke the bear.

"Just," She started off yelling, "leave her alone." She ended pitifully, looking down.

Awee, sucks..

"We're not even dating Kiara! You're starting drama for no reason!" Jasmine yelled at her.

She then turned to walk up to me. I looked down and made my face appear sad. I saw Kiara scrunch up her face in disgust, I smirked and then returned my face to being sad. "Yea babe, I'm fine." I smiled as she blushed, "my face just hurts a little."

"Let's get you to the nurse," she said, turning to glare at Kiara. I was internally enjoying my victory over winning Jasmine's heart.

Ha HA, try harder bitch.

Kiara pov

Ugh. I don't fucking like that bitch. I could feel my blood boiling inside of me. Something about her just throws me off. She seems sketchy. Bad vibes.

*flashback to first period*

Sitting in my desk, I just admired Jasmine from behind. She is so fucking beautiful. I wish she would talk to me. We haven't spoke since she kissed me after I got shot. My heart aches, I know it shouldn't but I can't help it.

The attention was taken by someone opening the door. A new student, a stud. She was lightskin, skinny, and had short curly- blondish hair. The teacher began talking to her, but she paid no mind to him.

Her eyes scanned the room before they found someone. I followed her gaze and furrowed my brow.

Jasmine? What is she looking at Jasmine for?

She smirked at her which caused me to frown. Tf? Jasmine is mine! She better stay in her place.

What am I talking about? Jasmine doesn't want me. I slouched in my seat feeling defeated. I saw them talking and I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand.

Heading out of class with Jasmine, that bitch turned back to me and smirked. I got up and followed behind them from a distance. I don't trust that bitch.

Nah trick! You just jealoussss

Shut up you!

I saw her push Jasmine in the bathroom and I sped up my walking. A group of girls jumped in front of me before I could even reach the bathroom. They all tried to hug me at once, but I pushed him off of me.

"Hey Kia--" I cut them off.

"Would you get the fuck out of my way!" I hollered at them. They rolled their eyes and walked away to one of the other popular studs in the school. Fucking thots.

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