The Diggers

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Chapter 1: 

Ten thousand two hundred. Ten thousand two hundred and one. Ten thousand two hundred and two. Ten thousand two hundred and three. Ten thousand two hundred an-






"Ten thousand two hundred and four." Sawyer abruptly awoke.

"Sawyer, get out we are here." Sawyer glanced out of the old Chrysler 300's window to set eyes on her grandmother's house that she had been living in since the age of nine.

"You don't need to help with the groceries just get yourself inside." Sawyer's grandmother admonished her unwanted granddaughter's ignorant behavior and starting hauling the groceries out of the car trunk.

"Wasn't planning on it," muttered Sawyer adamantly staying inside of the beat up car.

"Sawyer Bolano, get yourself inside right now."

"Sawyer Garvlie," Sawyer snapped back, correcting her grandmother.

Sawyer's grandmother wasn't too fond of her drug-driven dead daughter, however she wasn't too fond of the man whom she thought to have driven her daughter to madness either. Sawyer's grandmother never referenced the man who knocked up her daughter, not even through the man's own child.

"Please get inside."

"I will. Just after I get to ten thousand and two hundred and ten."

2000, Rosland Bolano at 29 died from a drug cocktail consisting of benzodiazepines, narcotic painkillers, and sleeping pills.

2008, Tarvan Garvlie set out to a bar as he did regularly. He stabbed himself multiple times according to witnesses and threw himself off the side of a nearby bridge. Homicide was overruled to suicide. Garvlie was an abusive father who had promised his daughter approximately 2.8333 hours before his death that he would come back with some ice cream. After Ten thousand and two hundred and ten seconds of counting, Sawyer got nothing but a dead father, and no ice cream.

"Sawyer, make sure to finish packing up your things when you get to your room!" Sawyer was always secretly grateful for her grandparents supporting her after she became orphaned. She was always grateful but never satisfied. Her grandparents always supported but never loved.

"Whatever." mumbled Sawyer.

The house smelled of crisp lavender and the tangly spray of rosemary. Sawyer brushed her long and thin fingers against the old crumbling wallpaper of the house walls as she walked to her room door. It was the room her mother had grown up in when she was younger. Sprawled across the atmosphere filled between intersecting lines of tainted grief and anger, Sawyer continued to feel the nostalgic lingerings of a figure that had left her life. As she took herself deeper and deeper into the dark waters where she whispered to herself in the absence of love and vulnerability, she took herself away from what she craved the most. Craving home. Craving home. Craving home.

"Craving home." Sawyer stood up to see her grandfather standing at her door. "Craving home Sawyer? Well ya better get to your packing so that we can go leave to our house by tomorrow morning."

"Sure thing Gramps." Replied Sawyer.


It wasn't like Sawyer knew who her mother was. She passed away when Sawyer was two years old. However, the attachment she still felt to the house was unbearable as she watched it become smaller and smaller and smaller.

"You okay?" Grandma asked Sawyer.

"Yeah I'm fine."

Grandpa cut into the conversation, "You'll get used to it Sawyer. The new home looks great. And we'll be able to get people to quiet down about us too."

"It'll be a good thing for our family to meet new people, people that don't know about your parents." Grandma snapped out of her sympathy and back into her somehow always present admonishing again.

"Right," replied Sawyer with a little bit of disdain of her own.

As the Chrysler 300 drove out of the city and onto the road, Sawyer couldn't help but notice the three diggers in her mind. One digging in old memories. Another digging out to find something unknown. And the third digging up events that were soaked in abject terror, and Sawyer couldn't help but get an anxious stomach towards the new town they were heading off to. 

A/N: Hello Readers! Thank you so much for visiting my work and reading through them! I know that this chapter was pretty short but please don't criticize the content too hard! There have been several changes made in the other chapters, which show that I should probably make sure to make each chapter edited until I like it before publishing it. It might not be as accelerating at first but trust me it will give you a thrilling satisfaction. 666G will contain some cynical and psychotic ideas that readers should read at their own risk. Thanks again for the support.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2023 ⏰

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