Ch. 26 Natalie

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Hey!!!! Here's another chapter!!!!

And it's Natalie!!!! Yay!!! Natalie didn't die!!!!

Natalie P.O.V

I groaned and opened my eyes. Light flooded in and I had to close them again.

My mind felt fried, it was from using to much power. I turned my head and even that tired me out. I saw wires and tubes and machines all around me. All were attached to me.

I heard the door open and I looked up to see Chiron in horse form.

"At ease, child. I'm glad you're alright. You gave us all a scare," he stated. I attempted to sit up but a sharp pain erupted in the back of my brain. My hand flew to the back of my head.

"Careful, we don't need you damaging yourself more than you already have." He instructed.

"What happened," he explained what happened after I passed out.

I looked at him with mournful eyes. "I know what you're going to ask and I'm afraid nothing has changed with him." He said solemnly. "Now, your parents are waiting for you to wake up. Lets see if you're alright to stand." He came over and took off all the tubes and helped me sit up. Then he grabbed my hands and pulled me to my feet. I stumbled immediately but Chiron caught me and helped me walk out the door. We walked out of the infirmary. I was instantly met by hugs. From everyone. All the campers. I found my parents sitting under A. Thalia's pine tree. "Mom!" I ran towards them. They turned to look at me and my mom was up and hugging the breath out of me. My dad joined in after.

"You should go down to the canoe lake and see Lilly and Sam. They've been worried sick about you." My mom said. I raced down to the lake and saw the two splashing and kicking water at each other and trying to dunk each other. Somehow they managed to have fun, I was seriously impressed.

Sneakily, I snuck up behind Lilly and splashed her. She turned around and her eyes widened. I laughed at her.

"Natalie! You didn't die!"

"Wow! You have littler faith in me than I thought." I chuckled.

She tackled me into bear hug knocking us both into the water. And then Sam jumped on top of us. We laughed.

"Join our water fight?" Sam asked.

I hadn't had fun in forever so I agreed. I was having fun, but then I remembered that I was in a lake and it got me thinking about Luke. It made me feel guilty and really sad that he might not even be alive, I blinked back tears.

Then someone tapped me on the back.


There's another chapter.

Hope u liked it.

Who tapped her on the shoulder? Find out in the next chapter.

I don't own HoO. I only own my 5 characters.

Peace out my peeps!!!


After the War/years after (HoO story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora