Ch. 25 mystery chapter again!

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Leo Valdez P.O.V

I stormed after Khione. She ran fast, but I was able to keep up. She ran into a huge room, which I assumed was the throne room, considering the ginormous throne in the middle of the room and the posters that hung from the walls, saying 'hail Khione' or 'I rule' with her picture. Seriously, and I thought I had an ego.

I looked around, where was she. Then something jumped on my back and I stumbled backwards with the weight.

I felt something being pressed to my throat.

I pretended to surrender and the snow princess smirked. I smirked back at her. I lashed out and grabbed the hilt of her dagger and melted it with the touch of finger tips.

I went to spontaneously combust her too but she grabbed my wrist and I could feel my body cooling down. She pressed me against the wall again.

I thought she was going to kill me but before she could there was a gold sword implanted in her chest. She screamed in rage and tried to poof out of the danger she was in but the owner of the sword grabbed her in a death grip. Khione let go of my wrist and I instantly felt better.

"Let me go, son of Jupiter!" She screamed in outrage. I struggled to see over her shoulders. But I could see Jason's spiky blond hair sticking out.

"Leo, you want to help me hold her?"

"What? Oh ya, sure." I grabbed her other shoulder and kept her from running. Jason was covered in Khione's golden ichor.

"What are we going to do with her?" I asked.

He smiled at me. "I called in a favour, he should be here, right about," he stopped for a second, then suddenly someone flashes in. "Now!" He finished.

It was a man who just flashed in. He wore a blue track suit.

"Hermes, thanks for helping us out!" Jason said.

"No problem, what am I shipping?"

Jason nudged Khione forwards.

"Can you bring her to Olympus, please?"

"Sure," he simply said. Then in a flash of smoke both gods were gone.

"Where's the others?"

"Frank turned into a dragon and flew everyone to Sam, Natalie, and Luke."

"And they couldn't wait five minutes for us?"

Jason's expression went blank. Then he told me what happened. I remembered what Khione had said earlier. 'Too bad you won't be able to save them, Lilly Zhang. Pity.'

"Alright, that's the only exception, but they better not make leaving us behind a regular thing!" I joked and I think that made him feel better because he smiled slightly.

"That's why I stayed with you. I can fly us over there. Come on!" He grabbed my shirt collar and lifted us off the ground. We flew out and I was hit by the temperature difference, I shivered and I could hear Jason laughing at me.

Soon after, we found Percy, And Hazel waiting for us in a valley like place that looked like a war zone with a huge crater in the middle.

"Frank took all the others to the Argo II. We were all going to wait for you but Natalie and Luke looked worse than before, they were newly breathing so they went to the Argo II." Percy explained. He looked ready to burst out in tears. But I can't judge because if that was my kid we were talking about then I would be too. Jason didn't look much better.

Thankfully, the snow was made of water so Percy was able to get us there in minutes.

"Oh! My baby! You're alright!" I ran over and hugged Festus' head. I heard the others laughing behind me.

"Hey don't judge! I haven't seen him in forever!" I defended myself.

Then we climbed into the boat and went into the sick bay. Everyone was crowded around two beds. Piper looked up, her eyes blotchy from crying. She ran over and hugged Jason. "I'm glad you're okay. Leo," she added. "Set a course for camp, we don't have the supplies to help them very much here." I nodded and rushed off to the control room where I found, (to my surprise) Sam sitting there looking out the window.

"Sam? What are you doing here?" He whipped his head around startled.

"Nothing, just thinking."

"Bout what?" I pestered.

He sighed. "Wondering about if, I had been in the right place at the right time I could have saved them." He looked down at his feet.

"Jeez, you know who you remind of right now?" He shook his head. "Natalie. She's the same way, the way she sees stuff is the same way you do. If I had been there with them I would have stopped him and that person wouldn't have gotten hurt or died. Or if I had had just a few more seconds I would have saved them. It's called personal loyalty. You'd sacrifice anything for your friends."

"But think about it dad! If I hadn't been so distracted and looking a bird I would have seen the knife coming sooner and I could've warned Natalie sooner and she could've gotten out of the way! And then Luke wouldn't have been stabbed and Natalie wouldn't have lost it and practically killed herself using to much power." He argued.

"What did I just say, it's not your fault! And it usually never will be. Son, Natalie and Luke, they knew the consequences, they knew what they were getting into when they did what they did. It wasn't because they were trained to do that sort of thing, because they wanted to do it. Everything happens for a reason. The fates have something special planned for everyone, something amazing." I said grabbing his shoulders. "Now! Come on we need to get back to camp!" Then I set the course and we were off!


Hey!!! How did you like it? I know it wasn't the greatest chapter. But oh well.

I don't own HoO! I only own my 5 characters.

Peace out my peeps!!!


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