Ch. 22 Sam

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Sam P.O.V

"Natalie!" I yelled. She had just collapsed and Khione began to stalk towards her. I left Lilly to care for Luke and ran to her unconscious body. The ice princess had a cold glare on her face and a seriously sharp dagger in her hand. I couldn't protect the two of us by myself with only the small knife that I had.

She lunged at us and I threw my arms up to block her. Then I heard her scream in surprise and pain at the same time. I looked to see a wall of fire dividing us from her. My eyes widen. I did it. I got my powers to work. I smiled slyly and raised my hand at her.

She sneered and threw snowballs at my face but I shot them with a fireball. I laughed. This went on the same way for about ten minutes. Then I got a lucky hit and one of my bigger fireballs that for some reason were hotter than the rest, hit her right in the chest.

She flew backwards about 20 feet and landed hard on her butt. She staggered to her feet. "This isn't over, legacy of Hephaestus." She warned me. Then she disappeared in a puff of snowflakes. I rushed over to Natalie.

She looked pale. She was heavier than me so I had to drag her over to Lilly and Luke. Together Luke and Nat both looked like ghosts, they were so pale.

"Lilly! You need to go find Khione's palace and find our parents they might be able to help." I told her. She nodded and turned into a snowy owl. Then flew off and I was left alone with two unconscious people. One who was physically drained and the other who was mentally drained.


There we go!!!! Another chapter. Hope you liked it.

I don't own HoO I only own my 5 characters.

Peace out my peeps!!!


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