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In this case, you'll dreaming about your past...
Annica/(Y/N)'s POV:
It was a normal day here in our neighborhood, I started shuffling off to bed and walked downstairs to see mom and dad blocking the entrance of the doors and jacob pulling down the blinds.
"Mom? Dad? What's going on?" I asked.
Mom slowly turned around to me and walked over to me. She placed her cheeks on mine and cupped them.
"Sweetie... I know you're only 12 and I'm sorry if all this had to happen... Outside this house, are flesh eating people" Mom explained as a tear dropped on her cheek.
"What?! You mean like a zombie? THEY'RE REAL?! Can I see them?" I asked excitedly.
"Wha? Annica are you crazy? Once they see you they won't hesitate to kill you!" Jacob said.
"Yeah I know, but I think I watched enough zombie movies to kill one" I said

Jacob rolled his eyes at me and walked upstairs to get Zoey.
"Are we gonna stay here?" I asked my mom.

She shook her head and looked at me straight in the eye.
"No... I'm afraid not sweetie, we have to get out of here as soon as we can" Mom said and just then her phone rang.

"Excuse me for a sec." She said and picked up the phone.


"Dad?" I walked over to dad who was still peeking at the window.
"Yeah sweetie? What you need?" He asked.
"Do you think uncle george survived?" I asked.
He sighed and nod smiling at me.
"Yes sweetie... He has to, he's in the military and I know that he can do this" He said and I nod.
"Sweetheart? Can you get daddy's gun under our bed upstairs?" Mom asked and I nod.

I rushed upstairs and grabbed daddy's small and big guns. As I walk down, I saw them packing up things in the bags.
"I'll get some knives" Mom said.

Moments later, she came back and handed one to dad and jacob.
"Wait, why can't we have one?" I asked.
"Because this world isn't made for little girls" Jacob joked as dad patted his back.
"Whatever... Says the guy who's scared of lizards" I mumbled.

We sneaked to the garage and put all the bags inside. Me and my two siblings sat on the backseat while mom on the passenger's seat.

Dad counted three with his fingers and opened the garage door.
The zombies tried to bite him but failed and rushed inside the car.
He quickly started the engine and we drove off.

"Where are we going dad?" I asked.
"We're going to uncle george's house... Or should I say military base" dad said looking at the road.

Moments of driving later...
We made it out of town and we saw a bunch of people out in front.
"Maybe we can ask them for help" mom said
"No Y/M/N (your mom's name), we can't trust people nowadays" dad said gripping his rifle.
"Well what are we gonna do?" Mom asked.
"To the forest... Everyone, get out of this car now... We're heading to your uncle" dad said.
"Wait a second Y/F/N (your father's name) what if those things attack us?" Mom asked.
"We kill them... And keep our children safe" dad said and we walked into the forest.

--------TIME SKIP--------
We made it to a clearing and saw a military truck. Dad raised his gun and slowly walked to the truck.
"George?" Dad said and uncle george popped out and hug him.
"Oh my little brother... Where is your family?" Uncle george asked.
Dad pointed at us and we hugged me. Soo enough, we hopped onto his truck and went to the military base.

--------TIME SKIP TO 6 MONTHS--------
"Okay I'm gonna go scavenging... Who wants to come?" Dad asked.
"I do!" I raised my hand.
"Are you sure about this Annica?" Jacob asked.
"Yeah I'm really... Really sure" I said as I nod.
"Okay then, come on" dad said and we all went in the truck leaving Zoey,Jacob and Mom behind while me,dad and my uncle go scavenging.

Few moments later...
We searched everywhere and so far, we've collected a lot... And We came to an abandoned house.
"Let me... Please" I said. They both nodded and I swiftly opened the door and raised my gun and searched the surrounding.

I signalled them that it was clear.
"I'll check upstairs" I said and rushed upstairs.
"Be careful okay?" Dad said and I yelled 'yeah'

As I went through the hallway, I saw a girl's bedroom. I opened it and saw a blonde haired boy... I don't know if he's turned or still a human, I can't tell because his back was facing me. I raised my gun and said.
"Put your hands up where I can see them" I said and he raised his hands. Yep, he's human alright.
"Slowly turn around" I commanded and he turned to face me.
His black orbs met with mine and I slowly put down my gun.
"Help me... Please" He pleaded.

I put my gun on my holster and walked to him.
"I'm Annica..." I introduced.
"I'm Trevor..." He said and shook my hand.
"Are you alone?" I asked and he nod.
"Come with me... I have a group" I said and he nod.
"Thank you Annica" he said and I realized that he was pale.
"Are you bit?" I asked. He shook his head and I raised his sleave. Nope, no sign of bite marks or anything.
"Why are you pale?" I asked.
"I haven't slept, ate or drank in days... And I feel really tired of these scavenges." He explained as he stumbled forward to me. I caught him and I wrapped my arms around him. Our position made it more awkward as his face is 3 inches close to mine.

I quickly scooted his hand over my shoulder and I slipped my hand around his waist giving him support. We went downstairs together and dad and my uncle gave us a confused look.
"Who is he?" Dad asked.
"He's name is trevor and right now... He needs our help..." I said.

Dad nodded and we all headed back to the house.

--------TIME SKIP--------
Its been 3 months since we kept trevor and learned to trust him. And right about now, Zoey told me that trevor liked me causing me to blush knowing that I really really like him too...

I went outside the base and sat there smelling the fresh air as the wind blows my hair.
I heard someone walking to me and it was trevor... He sat down next to me and smiled.
"Hey annica?" He said breaking the silence. I turned to him and put my hair behind my ear.
"Yeah?" I asked.
"I just waNted to say thank you... For everything, for keeping me and protecting me all the time" He said.
"Well... If I was in your position and someone saw me... They'd probably do the same thing." I said and looked away.
He sighed and he tilted my head to look at him.
"You know... Above from all girls that I saw even before the apocalypse... You're the prettiest girl I've ever seen" she said causing me to blush madly. I hid my face with my hair and sighed.
"Annica... I like you..." He admitted.
"Yeah... As friends right? Well I like you too" I said as I look at him.
"No annica... I mean... Like-like you, more than friends" he said holding my hand.
"Me too Trev." I said as a tear slipped down my cheek.
"Hey... Hey... Don't cry..." He said and hugged me. I huge him back and moments later, he pulled away. He placed his hand on my cheek and smiled at me.
"Annica, would you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?" He asked.

My face turned to a darker shade of red as a smile and say....
"Yes" I said and he hugged me tightly... I hugged him back and he whispered 3 words in my ear that every girl wanted to hear...
"I love you..."
"I love you too... Trevor" I said. He pulled away and pecked my cheek since I wasn't ready for a real kiss.

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