Bonding Time

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Annica's POV:
I woke up and I felt that I'm chained to something. Oh, wait. Its just carl hugging me. I looked up and kissed his jaw. He then looked down and he smiled. He leaned in close to me and kissed my lips.
"Goodmorning" I greeted.
"Goodmorning to you too..." He said. I smiled and struggled to get up.
"No... Five more minutes... I don't want to lose my hug bear" He said I laughed and just cuddled with him.
"Yes babe?" He replied
"What if I tell you that I'm... I'm Daryl's daughter... What would you feel?" I asked
"Its not hard to believe that you're a Dixon, I mean. You literally beat the crap out of me and Ian remember?" He said.
"Hehe, yeah... I did, didn't I?" I said. He nodded and kissed my forehead.
"Look, a dixon or not. You're still my babe, and I will love you as much as I can... Well, as long as I live, wait no... I mean even if I die, I'll still love you"
"Ugh! Don't say that! Now I'm fucking scared of losing you" I pouted. He chuckled and strolled my hair.
"You won't, I promise..." He said and kissed my forehead. Then dad walks over to us.
"Please seperate" He said sternly. We immidiately seperate and look at my dad.
"Hey Dad..." I greeted. Then Carl holds my arm.
"Hey, gotta go. Bye love you!" He said and walked away.
"So, lil ass kicker... Want some daddy-daughter bonding time?" He asked. I smiled and hug him
"Oh, I would love that!" I said. I pulled away and walked inside to get my bow and arrow. I also grabbed a machete and a rifle. I then walked downstairs and I saw Carl waiting for me with my arms crossed.
"Where are you going?" He asked sternly
"Ummm... I'm just gonna go have a little father-daughter time with my dad... Oh, amd haven't I told you that half of my blood belongs to Daryl?" I said. He stood there and smiled.
"Yeah I know, you told me that earlier" He said. I walked over to him and pulled him into a passionate kiss. I pulled away and smiled.
"Be back before you know it okay?" I said.
"Well how many hours?" He asked.
"I don't know? But I promise I'll stay safe." I said and I gave him one last peck on the lips. He hugged me and I did the same.
"Bye, I love you" He said
"I love you too" I said and walked away. I meeted up with my dad who was waiting at his new motorcycle. I hopped in it and we headed North.
"So dad, where are we going?" I asked.
"Well, where do you wanna go?"
"I want to kill some stupid brainless biters." I said. He smiled and nodded. A few moments later we passed like 15 walkers. We hopped down and we started killing walkers one by one.
"Now... That was easy... I want more!" I demanded
"Hehe... Okay if that's what you want then..." He said and rushed the motorcycle. And there was like a group of walkers lurking around.
"Break the glass over there" My dad told me. I nodded and grabbed my gun from its holster. I pointed it at the window and I broke it. The walkers heard the gunshot and came to us.
"Come over here ya little suckers." I yelled. They were pushing one another as they try to catch me and my dad. We run over to the motorcycle and my dad drifted off. The walkers followed us.

Me and my dad stopped and we climbed up a truck. The walkers were reaching their hands to grab us but failed.

I looked over to my dad and he looked back at me. I smiled and he did the same. I grabbed my bow and he grabbed his crossbow. We started firing arrows from the walkers head. It raining arrows all around right now. Until we were out of them but there are like 3-5 walkers left so it would be easier. I grabbed my machete and jumped down. I sliced the three walkers' heads and my dad stabbed two.
"That was hardcore" I sighed. My dad smiled and gave me a big hug.
"Daryl?" We heard a familliar voice say. We turned to him and we saw a very familliar person to us. I pulled away from my dad and ran to Rick. I gave him a really tight hug. He hugged back. I pulled away and hugged morgan too.
"You guys have been gone for so long!" I said tearing up.
"Yeah, and its been a lot of bullshits during those times." Rick said.
"So, lets go back to the army base?" I said
"Army base?" Morgan asked.
"Yeah, Abraham and the others found it" I said while looking around. My eyes widened and my dad grabbed me. We all hid under the truck.
"Its negan..." I whispered

My dad, rick and morgan all nodded.
"Okay so here's the plan, Morgan and Annica. You two, will go home. Me and Daryl will handle this." rick whispered.
"No, you don't understand. Negan is an asshole. He'll kill you he--"
"Not if we kill him first. Baby, you have to go. I need you alive" My dad said. I started to tear up amd shook my head.
"No, I'm not leaving without you... We all go together" I said
"Just remember... Don't cry, Fight" My dad said and he kissed my forehead. My tears started flooding my eyes and my dad hugged me.
"I'll wait for you okay? By dad..." I said.

Me and Morgan quietly snuck behind a bush and we peeked a little to what Rick and Dad will do.
"I'll get her... And I will kill her" Negan said.
"How can you get her if you don't even know where the hell she is" The woman said.
"I know she's close. I know it, I can feel it" Negan said.
"Fuck you..." I whispered. I grabbed my gun out of its holster and pointed it an Negan's head. Morgan grabbed my arm and I looked at him.
"No..." He said
"Why? He'll kill me and he will do the same with Dad, I won't let that happen" I whispered. Morgan shook his head.
"You're not gonna kill him Annica. All life is precious"
"All life is bullshit! We kill them before they kill us!" I whispered. He grabbed my gun and my hand and we ran down into the forest. We kept on running until we reach out a clearing.
"What the- hell?" I yelled.
"I won't let you Annica" He said
"You don't want anyone to die right? Then why the fuck did you leave my father? Rick? Huh? ANSWER THE CRAP OUT PLEASE!" I yelled. I walked back into the woods but then he grabbed my arm.
"I just did what I think was right" He said
"Yeah... What YOU think was right" I said pointing at him. I then shook my head and walked back to the army base.

We passed Abraham and Glenn who were guarding the gates.
"Hi Annica!" Glenn said smiling at me. I didn't even looked at him I just walked pass him. As I went inside, I walked up to my room and lock the door behind me. I slided down the door and pulled my legs close to my chest. I laid my head on both of my arms and cried.

"I- H-Hate... Hate Y-You M-Morg- Morgan... I'LL KILL YOU!!" I yelled and threw the knife at the wall and it stuck up. I looked at it and wiped my tear away. I wiped some tear on my cheek and got up. I walked to my closet and opened it. I grabbed my bag and opened it. I took a picture, I family picture of me when I was 12, Jake when he was 14, Zoey when he was 10 and mom and dad. I again stood up and walked to the knife. I grabbed it and sliced the picture leaving dad in one picture... I mean my 'step-dad'. I tore the paper apart and crumbled it.
"DIIEEEE!!!" I yelled as I cried.
"DIE! DIE! DIE!" I yelled though I know he's already dead. I set the paper down and grabbed my knife.
"If mom never met you... Maybe... Maybe now I wouldn't be doing this maybe I wouldn't feel so afraid of losing my real dad... I FUCKING HATE YOU! YOU NEVER CARED FOR US! I KNOW THAT YOU WOULD HAVE LEFT US BEHIND YOU BASTARD!" I cried. I raised my hand and I slowly cut it.
"AAAARRRRGGGHHH!!!" I yelled in pain. I looked at the blood which was dripping on my lap. I wiped my sweat of my forehead abd suddenly I heard someone knock on my door.
"Annica? Annica open up!" I heard Carl yell.
"Go Away!" I yelled as I cried.
"Annica I won't leave you! Now open this door! Please! I need you here!"
"No you don't! You can protect yourself... Nobody needs me" I said through the door.
"I just want to protect you... Please give me a chance." He said. I walked over the door and slided down with my back.
"I told you this before and I'm gonna say it again... Stop Protecting Me. I can take care of myself"
"Please..." I heard Carl sob.
"I'm sorry..." I sobbed.
"Please, please PLEASE! Please Annica! Open the door! Please!" I heard him sob harder. I stood up and opened the door slightly. I saw his blue teary eyes and messy curly hair. His red nose and shaky breath outside my door. I then opened it fully. He then pulls me into a hug. I wrapped my arms around his neck and sobbed at his shoulder.
"I'm sorry Carl... I'm so sorry..." I said. He pulled me away and he placed his hand on my chin.
"There is nothing you could do to make me hate you... Understand? I love you so much it hurts" He said. I smiled and kissed him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and mine on his neck. He deepened the kiss causing me startle a little. I traced my hand at his curly locks and he rubbed my back gently. I pulled away and rested my forehead at his.
"I love you too..." I said. He smiled and giggled and hug me.
"Forever..." He said

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