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perfect (adj.)
- having all the required or desirable elements, qualities or characteristics; as good as it is possible to be

The next day Austin leaves to go back home quite early, giving me a lot of time for myself. I get something to eat before getting some schoolwork done. I still have a lot to catch up.

Later, Ina and Nick wake up. Nick leaves quickly, too, while my sister just watches TV. "Hey", I say, sitting down next to her. She turns her head to look at me, "Morning, Alan."

I smile, "So... What are you gonna do today? Any plans?" She shrugs, "Nothing, probably. How 'bout you?"
"Same. Austin is busy, so..."

Ina nods, focusing on the TV show again.
"I went for a walk last night.", I speak up after a few minutes. My sister looks at me again, her brown eyes wide in surprise.

"What?!", she exclaims, "When? To where? With Austin?"

I nod, "Yeah, last night. It was really late you were all already sleeping. We just went to the park."

"How was it?", Ina asks in excitement. "Okay I guess", I shrug, "I mean, it was a bit overwhelming, but other than that, I didn't panic."

"Wait, seriously?"

She grins widely, giving me a tight hug, "Ah, I'm so proud! And happy for you, like, wow!"

"Yeah", I mumble with a smile on my face, pushing her away gently, "So I wanted to ask... Would you mind taking me somewhere today? Like, I don't know - not actually downtown, there's too many people there. But somewhere quiet, but also inside. Where you can do stuff."

She rolls her eyes, "Alan, if you want to go to the library, you can just tell me. Of course I'll take you! This is so exciting! Are you sure though? Tell me if I'm moving to fast or whatever. It opens in twenty minutes, let's get dressed and try to be the first ones there so that we won't have to be around too many people."

I give a huge beam of happiness, "Yes, okay. Let's just do that. I'm fine."

We both go to our rooms to get ready. What is appropriate to wear to a library? Since I barely ever leave the house I pretty much live in sweatpants. Would it be acceptable to go to a library in them?

Probably so, but I don't want to be given weird looks, so I decide to wear some simple jeans and a long sleeved shirt.

I get my phone, some gum and quickly tie my shoes. Not much later, my sister appears downstairs and we are ready to go. I don't have to leave my "comfort zone" to get into the car, so I'm definitely fine.

It's not very often that I go anywhere with a car, though, so I'm still a little nervous about it.

It doesn't take long and we're parking near the library. I faintly remember this area from when I still went outside regularly, but it's weird. There's people rushing down the streets, not very many, though.

After a few deep breaths I manage to build up the courage to open the door and get out. I hold on to the car until Ina is about to walk away.

"Wait! Wait, can you- can you hold my hand?", I ask awkwardly. She smiles, "Sure. And if anyone scares you I'll kill them, okay? I'm here, there's no need to worry." I nod, silently agreeing with my older sister.

Blue Coffee Mugs and the Agoraphobic [boyxboy] ✔Where stories live. Discover now