~Nico~ (Chapter 6)

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I forgot to pay her back... That's all I keep thinking about. I never payed her back for the damn pizza. I ran away, ignored her, and kept her as far away as possible and I can't stop thinking about how I didn't pay for the pizza. I have zero money, but that still can't change the thoughts possessing my mind.

I've ran away from a lot of things in life, so automatically I'm a fast runner right? Wrong. I've always wished I could run faster, to get away from bullies and such, but I guess my legs just weren't made for such things. Which must have been obvious to the people who were following me; for they did a light run and they were already easily caught up to me.

"It's time to pay up"
A giant man in all black says. I shake my head.
"I'm not ready... I've been trying the best I can... but it's not ready yet"
The other man there grabs me and holds me tight to his body. The other man holds his hand around my neck. I can't breathe. I'm struggling, hoping for someway to escape this hell I had just been dropped into. His hands squeeze tightly and everything in my vision begins to turn black. His fist collides into my stomach time and time again. He removes his hand from my throat and the guy who is holding me throws me into a nearby wall in the alleyway. I try to stand up, but by the time I'm on my feet the both grab me and slam me back into the wall. I spit out blood and feel my head jitter from all this sudden pain. I beg for it to end but the two men just smile and shake their heads. One grabs my hands and holds them off to the side while the other kicks me in the ribs. I feel a few bones break, but at this moment it's the least of my worries. They punch my hard in the face and I can already tell my nose is broken. I feel myself just about to slip into unconsciousness as they let me go. I'm layed on the hard, cold, alleyway ground and I feel my eye lids swell shut. The last thing I hear is:
"You have till the end of the month".

I should have just payed Latianna for the pizza...

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