~Latianna~ (Chapter 5)

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I think there is something unknowingly painful about watching people leave suddenly. I think it's the way your heart drops into emptiness and confusion, trying to figure out where you went wrong. I don't understand as to why he wanted to leave so soon, but it still hurts.

I'm rushing back to my place right now. I can't help but wish he was here by my side because his calmness and sad demeanor made me feel like I could help him; as if I was actually useful for once in my life. I know that's really a depressing tone contradicting my joyful exterior, but you can only force a smile for so long.

I walk into the front door of my rickety old cottage in the middle of the woods; it's small and broken down, but hey, a home is a home. I have only been here for about a year, but since I work so often it feels as if I'm a stranger in my own house. Sometimes I sleep at work because the harsh weather of London can keep me from walking home, but I guess I feel more comfortable at work than here. I guess I'm just too stubborn to stay in one place for long...

I fall asleep in my bed after pondering what I did wrong for what seems like hours. Many thoughts grow and leave my mind, but only one manages to stay; just because you run away doesnt mean I can stop helping you.

Although it seems small and not altogether, it does spark a fire in my heart.

A burning fire just for him...

And I don't know why...

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