Come Back Home (chapter 10)

Start from the beginning

" It's best if you don't come back, Jauregui... i knew you'd walk away from your responsibilities... just like your dad walked out on you..."

Lauren stopped..she took a deep breath.. she closed her fists, and felt her throat on fire, "Give me one good reason why i shouldn't break your fucking face in pieces... This isn't the time, nor the place.. You don't know me, nor my life.. and as for Camila? she is my wife, and she will always be.. Now fuck off.."

Lauren finally managed to walk back to her car.. she had to find her mom quickly before Camila woke up not to see her there... She could care less what Rudy had to say to her, she just needed to find her mom.. and see if what he said was true.. Lauren didn't want to believe it was true, she couldn't.. There was no way she could ever doubt Camila, but she had to find out the truth..

" I need to calm myself down... breathe, Lauren... just fucking breathe even if all you want to do is run over that asshole with your car... just breathe..", Lauren took one last breath before starting her car, and getting back on the road to go find her mom.. once at a red stop, she placed her hands inside her pocket as she reached for her phone...but instead of finding her phone, she found the note she had found outside of her house a few days before..

" Don't give up..", she read it out look as she smiled and realized that she had been in such a rush that she grabbed a pair of worn jeans..

" I won't give up.. not on my wife, not on my child.. not on my little family..", Lauren couldn't help, but smile once more.. " I need to get back to Camila... this can wait..".. she patiently waited till the light turned green so she could make a U turn, and return to the hospital.. after all, she wasn't that far to begin with.. Lauren eagerly held on to the steering wheel, all she wanted was to run up to Camila and kiss her.. kiss her so so much.. kiss her until Camila pushed her off because she was annoying.

Lauren, and her mind were somewhere else.. she was addicted to her wife, and she wanted her to know that, but in a matter of seconds her life changed.. her life flashed before her eyes.. as a truck hit her from the side... all she remembered was the pounding in her head, the warmth running through her body, the blur in her vision... and the image of her wife, and her child.. she closed her eyes, and lost touch of reality..

It was pitch black.. there was no view.. there was nothing.. her world had gone dark, and silent.. Lauren had become unconscious..

Back at the hospital Rudy had finally managed to make it into Camila's room.. he walked inside slowly, careful to not make noise and wake her up... he probably didn't want to confront her about what he said to Lauren, not knowing that she would eventually find out.. he noticed her parents hadn't gotten to the hospital yet, which he found oddly strange, but in this case it was best to have her for himself..

He walked towards her, all he could do was stare at her set of red lips.. he wanted to kiss her, but he more than anyone knew his lips would never mean anything to her..the thought of Lauren made him hate her even more.. once he finally stood next to Camila..

he gently pressed his hand on her cheek, and caressed her skin... she flinched as she was unknown to his touch, her face didn't seem to be comfortable with him either, " You're so beautiful.. what do you even see in Lauren.. if only you'd give me the chance.. i'd prove that i can love you so much better than she could ever.. i'll take care of you, and your baby.."

He stood eagerly next to her, hoping she'd hear him, but instead Camila was silent.. her eyebrows flinched, as she made another face of discomfort.. he noticed her breathing became heavier than when he first walked in.. her lips tried to form words, but he wasn't sure if she was having a bad dream..

Suddenly her eyes opened.. they opened wide, and they were in fear.. " Lauren..!", Camila yelled.. she yelled over, and over as her arms, and body began to tremble.. her eyes filled with tears, and her voice cracked as she somehow managed to sit up.

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